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John Bridson

Epithet: Soldier in the New Zealand army

Record type: First World War Biographies

Biography: John Bridson of Castletown emigrated to New Zealand around 1906, having left the Isle of Man in 1903 to travel to South Africa. Upon the outbreak of war he enlisted in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, and travelled via Egypt to France. There he took part in the Battle of the Somme, being wounded on 15 September 1916 in the action at Flers. This was an important battle for the New Zealanders and saw them go in to action alongside tanks for the first time. Bridson's wound was serious enough for him to return to the United Kingdom for treatment, and he does not seem to have returned to France afterwards. (Image ref: PG/13769/7).

Gender: Male

Name Variant: John Bridson


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