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John Thomas Quine

Epithet: Soldier in the Manchester Regiment

Record type: First World War Biographies

Parish: Andreas

Biography: John Quine of Andreas enlisted in the Manchester Regiment upon the outbreak of war. He served in France from 1915, being posted to the 12th battalion. In 1918 he was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal, probably for his part in the German Spring Offensives that year. The citation read: "When the NCOs of his platoon became casualties he at once took charge and carried out all duties with his platoon most efficiently. On several occasions he led vigorous and active patrols, securing valuable information as to the dispositions of the enemy. Throughout the operations he showed great initiative and courage." (Image ref: PG/14452).

Prior to joining up he worked for Mr W.C. Christian of Ballacorey, Andreas and a letter to him appeared in The Ramsey Courier 3 May 1918.

Gender: Male


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