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Disney Charles Woodhouse

Epithet: Douglas studio portrait (mid-late 19th-early 20th Century 1840-1939)

Record type: Photographs

Biography: Rev Disney Charles Woodhouse was in 1909 appointed lecturer at Bishop Wilson's theological college. He appears on the 1911 Census as resident at Bishopscourt. He was a member of the Royal Army Chaplain's Department and died of war-related sickness at Boulogne in 1916.

Gender: Male

Name Variant: Woodhouse, W.C.


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This is actually Rev Disney Charles Woodhouse, who in 1909 was appointed lecturer at Bishop Wilson's theological college. He appears on the 1911 Census as resident at Bishopscourt. He was a member of the Royal Army Chaplain's Department and died of war-related sickness at Boulogne in 1916. - matthew richardson Report this