Celia Clarke
Record type: 1911 Census
Parish: Lezayre
Town / Village residence: Ramsey
Address or abode residence: 4 Grove Mount, Ramsey
Occupation / profession: Letting Apartments
Marital status: Duration: 31 years, married
Relationship to Head of Family: Wife
Language: English
Civil Parish: Lezayre
Schedule No: Schedule No: 43.
Age at census: 69 year(s)
Children: born alive: 3, died: 0, living: 3
Place of birth: Thornbury, Glouctershire
Enumeration Dist & Batch no.: 6/701.
Filename: 34701_0087_13.jp2
Linked Records
- Daughter: Clarke, Annie Celia
- Daughter: Clarke, Margaret Ann
- Head: Clarke, Daniel Radcliffe