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Miss Wilhelmine Apfelbaum

Title: Miss

Epithet: Rushen Camp internee, Isle of Man (1940-1941)

Record type: Second World War Internees

Biography: Internee number: 1192

Lived at 2 Taborstrass 21A Vienna 27 and arrived in the UK on 30 July 1939. Landed at Harwich on 30 July 1939 on condition holder at once registers with Police and does not enter any employment other than resident in service in private household. M.L.P. Exempt from internment until further order. Refugee from Nazi oppression. Reigate Borough Tribunal 10 October 1939.

Address at time of internment was Woodhatch, Reigate. Interned on the Isle of Man on 30 May 1940 at Rushen Camp c/o Alma House, Port Erin. Went to Review Tribunal in Douglas on 17 October 1940, exempted from internment and left the Isle of Man on 4 February 1941 returning to Hill House, Reigate, Surrey.

Identity book or registration certificate: 722541; date: 1 August 1939; issued at: Reigate, Surrey.

Registration Card includes internee passport photograph and signature.

German passport No. 85540 issued at Vienna on the 6 February 1939 by Police.

See Appelbaum, Wilhelmina

Occupation / profession: cook general

Nationality: German; Austrian

Gender: Female

Date of birth: 06 November 1912

Place of birth: Vienna


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