Found 67494 results page “1” showing 1-20
Former Manx Radio presenter, now an M.LC.
Manx language student (1917-1984)
Photograph (20th Century)
Of Fistard, Port St Mary.
b.1870; d.1962 - native Manx speaker, married to John Kinvig.
Southward, Francis
early 20th century
Photographic Archive
Manx Press Pictures
October 1970
Douglas studio portrait (mid-late 19th-early 20th century)
MHK, JP, man of letters (1853-1931)
D Company 13th Battalion Kings Regiment (active 1940)
MHK for Glenfaba sheading and the Receiver General (1886-1909)
Photographic studio portrait
William Henry Alcock, MHK, campaigner for Manx postage stamps (1863-1951)
Editor of the Isle of Man Times newspaper
Academic and language scholar
Chairman, Manx Museum and National Trust (1975-1978)
Photograph (1948)
Photograph (early 20th century)