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TT related photography taken by Tom Badger, a freelance action photographer

Date(s): 1949-1960

Creator(s): Badger, T.M.

Scope & Content: Assorted photographs featuring fine portaits of Individual TT competitors and small groups as well as racers with their bikes and sidecar outfits in action on different sections of the course.

Administration / Biographical History: Tom Badger was born in Lancashire in May 1908. A freelance action photographer he used a plate camera with either film or glass plates. According to his daughter he usually took photographs about 7 feet from the subject given there was no telephoto lens in those days. If the image was not at least an inch long he would discard it. His images are stamped Chiswick Village, London W4 and Isleworth, Middlesex.

Badger had many photographs published in magazines 'Motor Cycle' and 'Motor Cycling', the forerunners of Motor Cycle News which also published some of his photographs in its early days. His images were also displayed enlarged to 8x6 feet at the Motor Cycle Exhibition at Earls Court, London, especially tyre companies such as Avon and Dunlop given his images were so sharp the tyre names were visible as the riders sped by.

Badger used the rail network to access the TT course with his family, alighting from the Manx Northern Railway at places like Ballaugh Bridge, Kirk Michael, Sulby and Ramsey. At other times they caught a bus to Creg ny Baa and walked up to Kate's Cottage. This was a favourite part of the course, especially when Geoff Duke was riding because he would focus on a white line in the road and know that he would pass through it on the same line every time. His daughter recalls that you could tell which rider was approaching without knowing his number in those days by the note of the engine.

Tom Badger died in London in January 1981.

Language: eng

Extent: 79 items

Item name: photographic prints

Collection: Photographic Archive

Level: FONDS

ID number: PG/12100

Record class: Private


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