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Graham White flying round the Ben my Chree, at sea

Date(s): 1911

Scope & Content: On the back of this photograph Frowde writes,

'Find programme (silliest farce ever) in bureau drawer. C T Cowell and George Robertson mainly I think. 1911 if not mistaken. Was on the Ben for the "thrill" and the flimsy aeroplane made circles round the 'Ben' as far as Clay Head, and then headed back for Howstrake or the Playing Fields. Some three hours later, the plane came out over Santon and did circles round the boat as far as Douglas Head, flying well up; and then the engine stopped. A man by my side ejaculated "My God, he's done for", and I transferred my gaze to the for'ard funnel, until, shortly after, the roar of the plane engine recommenced and looking up, White was some hundreds of feet lower that previously, and on a level that suited him for his landing at Onchan or wherever it was. The programme gives full directions to the skipper of the boat and to the 'flier' for all stages of the trip; and in the light of the actual happening, is probably one of the funniest programmes ever drawn up, or printed. George Robertson and Charlie Cowell et al, might have been experts at regattas that benefitted them more than any other class in the community probably, but they knew nothering about the aeroplane or its speed possibility at that period - little over 20 years ago. I have often wondered what the skipper of the 'Ben' thought of his 'instructions'. Photo of T White landing at the Playing Fields in Keig's series. 27.02.1913'.

Language: eng

Physical description: black & white print

Item name: photograph

Collection: Photographic Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: PG/8224/18/69


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