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'Captain Bligh, R.N.F.R.S'

Date(s): 1794

Creator(s): Walker & Cockerell

Scope & Content: William Bligh (1754 - 1817), Admiral and explorer; captain of the Bounty.
William Bligh was an officer in the Royal Navy and was the victim of a mutiny on his ship, the Bounty, in 1789. Bligh (1754 - 1817) had a rputation for having a volatile temper and often clashed with his fellow officers and crewmen. His crew mutinied against him during a return trip from Tahiti in 1789.

Language: eng

Extent: 26 x 19.5 cm

Item name: print

Collection: Print & Poster Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: P.2540


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