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'Ewan Christian .F.R.I.B.A. Architect to the Ecclesiatical Commisioners'

Date(s): 19th century

Creator(s): unknown

Scope & Content: Ewan Christian (1814 - 1895), Manxman by decent, belonging to the Chritian's of Milntown. During his life he designed about 40 new churches, 200 parsonage houses, numerous schools, country houses, banks, and buisiness premises. He also restored nearly 150 churches. Since 1850 he was the consulting architect to the Ecclesiastical Commisioners of England, and reported to this body on an average of 220 designs annualy.

Language: eng

Extent: 14 x 11 cm

Physical description: Engraving

Item name: print

Collection: Print & Poster Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: P.1021


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