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'The Gallant Action (off the Isle of Man) where the Brave Capt. Elliot defeated & took the Marshall Belleisle, Commanded by the famous Thurot and two other French ships of war the 28th of February 1760' - 'Vue du Combat donne a la hauteur de L Isle de Man, dans Lequel Le Brave Capitaine Elliot sempara du vaifseau Le marchal de Belleisle Commande par Le fameux Thurot de deux autres fregates Francoises Le 28 ferrier 1760'

Date(s): 1780

Scope & Content: Sculptured by D C Canot, printed by Francis Swain. Photograph of a print mounted on card.
Also shows The Brillian (Captain Loggie), Le Teraichore (Captain Depravand), The Pallas (Captain Clement) and la Blonde (Captain La Kayce)

Language: eng

Extent: 16 x 21.5 cm

Item name: print

Collection: Print & Poster Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: P.0879


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