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Central portion of New Bond Street, Douglas

Date(s): 1912

Creator(s): Frowde, John James

Scope & Content: On the back of this photograph Frowde writes, 'The central portion of New Bond St from the King Orry Inn to Durie Lane (nearly). This plate, taken in 1912 by my old school chum T S Keig, has seen hard usage in the twenty three years it has been in service; but without it in this section, the photos taken by me since 1932 contain blanks of vanished buildings which are filled in (and the street shewn as it was nearly quarter of a century ago), in the enclosed print'. Additional note: 'Keig's Plate Series - stand camera, MT 265. See also S VI/1'.

Language: eng

Physical description: black & white print

Item name: photograph

Collection: Photographic Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: PG/8224/2/30


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