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'Recreational sea angling and bait collection in a Marine Nature Reserve: Quantifying occurrence and identifying trends'

Date(s): September 2012

Creator(s): Hardinge, Graihagh

Scope & Content: Illustrated dissertation submitted as MSc Aquatic Science coursework to the Department of Geography, University of London. The dissertation examines Ramsey Bay which lies within a Marine Nature Reserve (MNR) using recreational fisheries data as a baseline to monitor progression of the newly designated MNR at Ramsey Bay. The study indicates that between 1840 and 2011 the weight of fish caught by sea anglers has decreased by 82%. Chapters overview: brief history of Manx fisheries, Ramsey Bay MNR, methods used for study, results; angling catches around the Isle of Man; bait digging. Appendices include: list of angling events where surveys were handed out to anglers; list of infaunal species in Ramsey Bay; copy of Isle of Man Sea Angling Survey questionnaire; Isle of Man bait collection survey questionnaire.

Language: English

Extent: 1 volume

Item name: dissertation

Collection: Manuscript Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: MS 13154

Record class: Private

Access conditions: No regulations or restrictions are implemented on this material. Advance notification of a research visit is advisable by emailing


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