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'Notes on the Brooke Family in the Isle of Man'

Date(s): August 1991

Creator(s): Brooke, Martin

Scope & Content: Photocopy of annotated, corrected article tracing the history of the Brooke family from its Yorkshire origins, concentrating on the period after the 1830s purchase by Sam Brooke of the 1,100 acres hill farm known as Druidale (land previously known as Mount Pelier Park (Montpelier), Close Emmal and Airey Kelly), in the north of the Isle of Man. As well as describing the topography, the author sets out travelling conditions of the day, relevant given that Sam's younger son John emigrated to Australia in the 1850s. On his return he married and established a family, taking over Druidale, his father Sam having moved to Ballacoraige, Ballaugh. John later moved to Cronk Ould farm outside Ballaugh. As well as tracing events in the life of John and his elder brother Thomas, the article relays the later history and sale of Druidale farm as well as aspects of the lives of later generations of the Brooke family. The anecdotal style of the writer is used to good effect when explaining early 1970s negotiations for a run down property known as Johnson's Cottage on the Druidale estate and its subsequent renovation and use as a holiday home.

Language: English

Extent: 32 pages

Physical description: typescript

Item name: article

Collection: Manuscript Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: MS 13470

Record class: Private

Access conditions: No regulations or restrictions are implemented on this material. Advance notification of a research visit is advisable by emailing


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