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Shore at Port y Vullen

Date(s): n.d.

Place made: Ramsey

Language: eng

Extent: overall: 8.5 cm x 13.5 cm

Physical description: sepia print

Item name: photograph

Collection: Photographic Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: PG/4422/1


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The photo must date from after 1908 as the houses of The Colony are present on the headland to the right. Slightly below and to the right of these houses is a small white building which I think must be that described in Pevsner as "a motor and boat house", belonging to Thie Varrey, above (Thie Varrey was built for the Groves family, owners of a Salford brewing company, who developed The Colony). As of 2023 the motor/boat house (which, to me, from its appearance and position, perhaps has more the look of a summerhouse) is still there, but deteriorating. - Peter Vick Report this

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