Notes about the Potato Preserving Factory, South Quay, Douglas
Date(s): 1941
Creator(s): Frowde, John James
Scope & Content: Frowde's notes give details about the factory which was in operation during the late 19th century. His main source of information was 'an old friend' who had known some of its workers. Frowde describes the preservation process, the factory building , its location on South Quay and its subsequent transference to the 'Lake'. He provide details of South Quay at the time, naming businesses in operation and individuals living there. For an image of the factory with detailed Frowde image PG/8224/18/xxx
Language: English
Extent: 3 pages
Item name: research notes
Collection: Manuscript Archive
Level: ITEM
ID number: MS 00877
Retrieval number: MS 00877 B
Record class: Private
Access conditions: No regulations or restrictions are implemented on this material. Advance notification of a research visit is advisable by emailing