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Carmodil cottage, Ballaugh

Date(s): June 1867

Scope & Content: Carmodil cottage was the birth place of Thomas Corlett.

In the photograph are pictured his relatives:- Daniel Craine of Ballaugh (married his sister Jane); William Corlett of Ballaugh (his first cousin); Anne Caine of Ballacain (daughter of his brother John in America); Isabel Cannell (granddaughter of his sister Margaret); Jane Craine and Betsy Sayle (daughters of William Corlett); Janie and Sarah Anne Craine (daughters of John Caine); and Christian Gill (daughter of Thomas Kerruish). The photograph also shows an old wooden armchair that was used by Thomas Corlett's mother.

Language: eng

Extent: overall: 15.5 cm x 20.5 cm

Physical description: sepia print

Item name: photograph

Collection: Photographic Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: PG/11836


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