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Muckle's Gate, Douglas

Date(s): 1932

Creator(s): Frowde, John James

Scope & Content: On the back of this photograph Frowde writes, 'Mother Pratt's, the precursor and great grandparent of all the boarding houses in the town. Always described, those days, as in Muckle's Gate. In the Laxey Inn Yard. Top storey of Spittal's house, right distance. Demolished March 1933. Mother Pratt's the great-grandparent of all the Douglas Boarding Houses (A. W. Moore 'Douglas 100 Years ago'). Described as in Muckle's Gate, now actually in the Yard of the Laxey Inn. But in Wood's Plan (1833) there was a clear run through from Duke Lane, past Mother Pratt's into Seneschal Lane at the south side of St. Barnabas', then Moore's Place. St. Barnabas' was consecrated 1832'.

Language: eng

Extent: overall: 16 cm x 11.5 cm

Physical description: black & white print

Item name: photograph

Collection: Photographic Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: PG/8224/6/2


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