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Frederic Smagg's outside staircase, Douglas

Date(s): 1932-1934

Creator(s): Frowde, John James

Scope & Content: On the back of this photograph Frowde writes, 'Fred Smagg was a thrifty soul, and it was always held by the people of that period, knowing his reputation, that he went to all the trouble, in the erection of the staircase, in order to be able to read at night by the light of the lamp outside, and so save his tallow dip. I have always heard that he got youngsters to collect the bricks for the job at a small outlay. But I think the brickwork was probably already there. Under the stairs, on the lane, there was a bricked up earlier doorway. [sketch of doorway ' + Coal-hole?'] Re the supposed coal-hole, under some of the 'treads' of the stairs were glazed ? openings to light the 'coal hole'. See Keig's 1912 plate p.c. prints in Appendix at end of Route V. This door, at that time, had not been bricked up'.

Language: eng

Extent: overall: 14 cm x 9 cm

Physical description: black & white print

Item name: photograph

Collection: Photographic Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: PG/8224/5/17


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