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Letter from John Stevenson in London to George Moore at Ballamore (sic) via Whitehaven

Date(s): 7 November 1768

Creator(s): Stevenson, John

Scope & Content: Stevenson feels the governor has been ill-advised about a court judgment regarding his (John's) property. Speaking generally, he had thought that things would improve on the Island when the Crown took possession of it, but they seem to have got worse - 'He that ought to govern is governed by others, who are not answerable for the bad advice they give him'. He bemoans the position of the Island further and is obviously angry at the general state of affairs - the letter is quite lengthy, his handwriting deteriorates as the letter progresses and there is much underlining.

Language: eng

Extent: 4 pages (1 sheet)

Item name: Letter

Collection: Manuscript Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: MS 04954/71/3

Retrieval number: MS 04954/71/3 C


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