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King Orry’s Grave survey and excavation

Date(s): June 1994

Creator(s): Centre for Manx Studies

Administration / Biographical History: As a condition of an approved planning application at King Orry’s Mount, Laxey (SC43908438) immediately south of ‘King Orry’s grave’, a Neolithic chambered tomb, an onsite investigation and exploratory excavation was carried out between 13th and 20th June 1994 on behalf of MNH. This was led by Dr Peter Davey of the Centre of Manx Studies (CMS) and carried out by Liverpool University Field Archaeology Unit with the assistance of volunteers.

In addition to the excavation, a survey of the eastern section of King Orry’s Grave was also carried out with the use of EDM survey equipment on the 15th and 16th June. This was in order to determine the exact position of the separate elements within the monument to aid with future site management by Manx National Heritage.

Excavation to the east of Orry’s Mount, Ballaragh Road, Laxey (June 1994):
Two trenches (A-B) were cut and both displayed natural till and drift deposits and a complete absence of any truncated features such as postholes, pit bases or ditches. Due to this it was concluded that the development and landscaping of the house during the late 19th century must have removed any surviving Neolithic material or associated features. No finds were made that were anything other than those expected from a domestic dwelling of the late 19th or 20th century.

Survey of King Orry’s Grave, east (15th and 16th June, 1994):
The survey of the eastern section of King Orry’s Grave produced an accurate up-to date plan (hand-drawn) of the monument and the EDM co-ordinate survey booking sheets contains all the information needed to reproduce replica plans whether hand-drawn or digital.

P. J. Davey, N. Johnson, J. Woodcock, A. Hartley, R. McCann, B. Podbereski and R. Moore

Language: English

Collection: Manuscript Archive


ID number: MS 14146/29

Access conditions: No regulations or restrictions are implemented on this material. Advance notification of a research visit is advisable by emailing


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