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'The effect of Industrialisation in the Isle of Man 1849-1897 (with particular concentration on the mining industry in Laxey, Lonan parish)'

Date(s): December 2019

Creator(s): McNally, Simon John

Scope & Content: Illustrated dissertation submitted for an Open University MA History degree. The author examines the impact of industrialisation on both the working population of Laxey and the owners and shareholders of the mining concerns, and the benefits and wealth or otherwise that both these two distinct sets of people attained. He explores both the positive and negative effects, and the disparities relating to both sides, with comparisons being drawn against other mining areas in Britain. He states that 'Industrialisation brought positive benefits to all, and had a substantial impact on the growth and maturity of Laxey as a village in all aspects of its social, physical and economic life, but the real significant monetary and financial gains were made by, and in the whole remained in the hands of a relatively small minority of mine owners, managers and their shareholders'. (p.59).

Language: English

Extent: 1 volume

Item name: dissertation

Collection: Manuscript Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: MS 14877

Record class: Private

Access conditions: No regulations or restrictions are implemented on this material. Viewable by request during library opening hours at the Manx National Heritage Library and Archives, Manx Museum, Douglas, Isle of Man. Advance notification of a research visit is advisable by emailing


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