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Yn Gaaue [The Blacksmith]

Date(s): 1980s

Scope & Content: Yn Gaaue is the third documentary film made by Foillan Films and is entirely in the Manx language.

The film is a biography of John Kneen a blacksmith from Ballaugh, born c.1854, and one of the last native Manx speakers. The film's title is a reference to Kneen's nickname 'Yn Gaaue', The Blacksmith. The Film is narrated by Brian Stowell and features interviews with John Crellin, Catreeney Craine and Walter Clarke. The film also features Manx dance group Bock Yuan Fannee dancing Fatherby Jig at Holly Grove, Ballaugh curraghs.

Language: eng

Collection: Film Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: FA 0133/5


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The dance sequence was filmed at Holly Grove, Ballaugh curraghs, not St Judes (or St Johns as suggested elsewhere). I am one of the dancers taking part, the other men being David Callister, Brian Greggor and Paul Bradford. - Ian Radcliffe Report this

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