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Extract of documents regarding the delivery of corn from the ship 'Glasgow,' commanded by Captain John Em[m]erton

Date(s): c 1741

Creator(s): Unknown

Scope & Content: Manuscript extracts taken from an unidentified source; the first extract is an order issued by the Deputy Governors, Daniel Mylrea [the Elder] and John Taubman, to Captain Emmerton, who currently sits in Ramsey Bay with a shipment of corn from Holland, and is directed to discharge his cargo at Douglas with the assistance of Lieutenant Paul Bridson; the second extract is a guarantee from the Tynwald Court against any loss suffered by having the corn discharged in Douglas rather than at Ramsey; the guarantee has the names of 18 members of the House of Keys, the Bishop of Sodor and Man, and Daniel Mylrea and John Taubman [Deemsters, as well as Deputy Governors], Charles Stanley [Receiver General], John Quayle [the Elder; Comptroller], and William Christian [Attorney General]; original documents dated 8 April 1741.

Language: English

Extent: 2 pages (1 sheet)

Item name: Document

Collection: Manuscript Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: MS 09707/2/45

Retrieval number: AP X9-37

Record class: Private

Access conditions: No regulations or restrictions are implemented on this material.


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