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Correspondence for the years 1744-1745

Date(s): 1730-1745

Creator(s): Various

Scope & Content: A file containing letters and other papers relating to: John Humfrey's [also Humphrey] application to lease the Calf of Man; remittances to the Duke of Atholl from the Manx treasury, and issues arising from this activity; matters concerning the Welsh smuggler, William Owen; a legal dispute between Philip and James Quilleash over the estate of Doon [Dhoon]; issues arising from the shipment of goods via French vessels during a time of war; and the Jacobite rising; a large proportion of these letters are from Governor Patrick Lindesay [Lindsay].

Language: English

Extent: 49 items

Collection: Manuscript Archive

Level: FILE

ID number: MS 09707/2/64-112

Retrieval number: AP X11

Record class: Private

Access conditions: No regulations or restrictions are implemented on this material.


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