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Letter from Governor Patrick Lindesay, Castletown to James Murray, 2nd Duke of Atholl

Date(s): 22 Mar 1746/7

Creator(s): Lindesay, Patrick

Scope & Content: A manuscript letter from Governor Lindesay, which begins recounting the contents of previous letters sent by Lindesay to the Duke of Atholl, before informing him that the Attorney General will find the Manx horses to be delivered to the Duke of Richmond, once he and the Comptroller have collected the herring customs; Lindesay then comments on the Earl of Crawford's character and actions, which are in connection to him marrying the Duke's eldest daughter [Jane] without His Grace's consent; in a postscript, Lindesay states that if no one comes to collect the horses for Lord Richmond, they will be sent to London via Liverpool with a wagoner who travels back and forth to London from the island once a week.

Part of a numbered series of letters from Lindesay to the Duke; No. 32.

Language: English

Extent: 3 pages (1 sheet)

Item name: Letter

Collection: Manuscript Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: MS 09707/2/178

Retrieval number: AP X25-12

Record class: Private

Access conditions: No regulations or restrictions are implemented on this material.


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