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Letter from John Quayle to James Murray, 2nd Duke of Atholl

Date(s): 11 Jun 1741

Creator(s): Quayle, John

Scope & Content: A manuscript letter from John Quayle [the Elder], informing the Duke of Atholl that bills of exchange have been sent to the Duchess for £555 17s. 8d. for Mr. Ross' charge on the corn from Holland, with details regarding issues surrounding the bills; Quayle goes on to state that the corn from Holland has been a 'most seasonable relief to the poor people of the island,' and reports that the Bishop and Mr. Murray have distributed a small quantity of barley in the isle, the latter as an act of charity; in a postscript, Quayle reports that a Mr. Harries from the Company of Mine Adventurers has arrived on the island with some miners, and has begun to work at Glensaft [Glenchass].

Language: English

Extent: 2 pages (1 sheet)

Item name: Letter

Collection: Manuscript Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: MS 09707/2/915

Retrieval number: AP 54 (1st)-12

Record class: Private

Access conditions: No regulations of restrictions are implemented on this material.


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