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Letter from John Quayle and Daniel Mylrea to James Murray, 2nd Duke of Atholl

Date(s): 7 Dec 1753

Creator(s): Quayle, John; Mylrea, Daniel

Scope & Content: A manuscript letter from John Quayle [the Elder] and Daniel Mylrea [the Younger], informing the Duke of Atholl that they are doing all that they can to collect money in order to remit it to him, and to find bills of exchange to that end; they go on to state that they may be able to get their hands on Scottish bank notes from the merchants, and ask whether His Grace will risk having such money posted.

Language: English

Extent: 1 page (1 sheet)

Item name: Letter

Collection: Manuscript Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: MS 09707/2/932

Retrieval number: AP 54 (2nd)-1

Record class: Private

Access conditions: No regulations of restrictions are implemented on this material.


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