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Letter from Daniel Mylrea and John Quayle, Castletown to John Murray, 3rd Duke of Atholl; accompanied by a memorial from John Joseph Bacon

Date(s): 6 Feb 1771

Creator(s): Mylrea, Daniel; Quayle, John; Bacon, John Joseph

Scope & Content: A manuscript letter from the Duke and Duchess of Atholl's Stewards, Daniel Mylrea [the Younger] and John Quayle [the Younger], providing information on a remittance sent to His Grace, totalling £200; the Stewards also enclose a memorial from merchant, John Joseph Bacon, applying to the Duke for a license to land, contigious to some he already rents in Douglas, so he may build a herring house there, and by extension contribute to His Grace's revenues; the letter concludes with the Stewards informing the Duke that the Rector of Ballaugh, The Reverend Curghey, has died and they remind him of [Hugh] Hamersley's nomination of [The Reverend James] Wilks to succeed in this post.

Language: English

Extent: 3 pages (2 sheets)

Item name: Letter and memorial

Collection: Manuscript Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: MS 09707/6/193

Retrieval number: AP 33B (2nd)-48; AP 33B (2nd)-49

Record class: Private

Access conditions: No regulations or restrictions are implemented on this material.


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