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Bishop George Murray and Robert Steuart file

Date(s): 1823-1829

Creator(s): Murray, George; Steuart, Robert; Roper, William

Scope & Content: A file, split into three sub-files, containing correspondence and documentation from Bishop George Murray and the Receiver General and Collector of Customs at Douglas, Robert Steuart, received by the Duke of Atholl; the contents of the material present relate to various ecclesiastical, manorial and gubernatorial matters, but also provide the Duke with general intelligence of activities taking place on the Isle of Man, particularly in relation to the House of Keys and Lieutenant Governor Smelt.

Language: English

Extent: 152 items

Collection: Manuscript Archive

Level: FILE

ID number: MS 09707/7/3198-3349

Retrieval number: AP 46

Record class: Private

Access conditions: No regulations or restrictions are implemented on this material.


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