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Victoria Pier, Douglas

Date(s): n.d.

Scope & Content: On the back of this photograph Frowde writes, 'At pier N. Manxman (Barrow), Duchess of Devonshire, Manxman L & Y - Heysham, Viking. 'Dawsey' memorial in foreground was erected in 1904 - with the early impossible carving shewing of a man - with a bloated face - swimming with an 'overhand' stroke. This was later chiselled off, and the late Mr Clucas of Westminster Terrace modelled and cast in brass, a wonderfully accurate head of Dawsey from his photograph and this still adorns the west side of the fountain, Mr Clucas - an ex-engineer of a transatlantic company, also made the (cast) Hillary memorial that was inserted in the wall, by Miss Kirton's, prior to the building of the Colonade. [sketch of memorial] The bust (head) of Hillary was a clever bit of work, but the shape of the entire memorial had a crude appearance. This may later emerge from its present obscurity. Reverting to the Dawsey fountain, the side E, was also unfortunate, in that referring to Dawsey's prowess, (he saved the lives, I think, of some 25 people) it referred to his HERIOC deeds. This has since been made to look like 'heroic', but not successfully. 1932. Hillary centenary celebration. Clucas' cast retrieved from the cellars of the Town Hall, and affixed to the wall of Fort Anne on the Battery approach road. A most suitable position'.

Language: eng

Extent: overall: 11 cm x 16 cm

Physical description: black & white print

Item name: photograph

Collection: Photographic Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: PG/8224/18/40


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