The Manx Folk-Life Survey Archive
Date(s): 1940s-1980s
Creator(s): The Manx Folk-Life Survey (The Manx Museum)
Scope & Content: The Manx Folk-Life Survey Archive is a multi-format ethnographic record consisting of a range of media including, guidelines, sound recording lists, blank questionnaires, publicity leaflets, correspondence regarding initial setting-up; field names materials and books for Andreas-Lezayre, Lonan-Santon; contributors' notebooks; contributors' files; subject files; original source material; building plans; photographs and negatives, sound tape-recordings. The audio material comprises of approximately 30 hours of recordings in Manx Gaelic (c.70%) and Anglo-Manx (c.30%). There is also an extensive store of material objects connected to the Survey. The Manx Folk-Life Survey field notes and audio recordings contain over 800 interviews with approximately 400 informants, augmented by material written by some informants themselves on specific themes and topics.
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Administration / Biographical History: The idea of collecting memories of Manx traditional life began in 1938; the Director of the Manx Museum William Cubbon was inspired by the work of the Irish Folklore Commission (IFC) and its collecting of ‘folk-memory.’ In 1948 the IFC visited the Isle of Man to record the remaining speakers of the Manx language. Its representative Mr Kevin Danaher made 26 double-sided 12 inch discs of conversations, hymn readings, and recitations from more than a dozen native speakers. His findings highlighted the Island’s wealth of folk-life material, and cemented the idea of conducting a Manx Folk-Life Survey (FLS). The aim of the FLS was to 'record as much as possible of the life and crafts of the Manx community before the present century' (Manx Museum & National Trust Report, 1950). The Survey was to 'build up a picture of Manx traditional life as it survived fifty years ago, and earlier. We aim to gather a mass of unrecorded information about buildings, crafts, tools and utensils, agriculture and fishing, dress and ornament, customs and beliefs, together with details of the people then alive and incidents in their life. Following the lead of pioneer workers in Scandinavia, we have adopted the name 'Folk-Life' as the best compendious term to define the scope of this Survey. We are not concerned with the formal and official aspect of the Island's past history, with the laws and constitution, public events and historical figures. This is material that has been adequately collected and written about already' (Manx Folk-Life Survey: Its scope and outline of material, FLS).
Mr Leslie Quirk undertook the beginning of this systematic collection, with approximately thirty recruited volunteers. The volunteers would meet at intervals to discuss their work with Museum representatives, and an eight-page prospectus defining the scope of the Survey was issued in November to help the collectors. The voluntary team of collectors travelled the Isle of Man interviewing contributors, making field notes and occasional tape-recordings, and then indexing to create an archive of memories and stories about the Isle of Man. Notable collectors included Charles Clarke, Eric Cregeen, Mrs Catherine E. Flanagan, Mr Neil Mathieson, Miss J. Margaret Stevenson, Mrs Grace Quilliam, Ms J. Quilliam, and Miss I. Margaret Killip. Collectors were instructed that 'information should be written down fully (and, where possible, in the actual words used) as soon as possible after obtaining it, if not at the time...Plans or rough sketches are valuable aids to verbal descriptions of implements or buildings, etc.' ('Recording The Passing Age how you can help The Manx Folk-Life Survey', 1950, FLS). Interviewees were also asked to write down their memories with the help of lists of questions. For the purpose of recording field names, roads, wells and other geographical features, Ordnance Survey maps were lent to surveyors. Contributions to the Manx Folk-Life Survey grew to include original (or copies of) photographs and documents, paintings and sketches and field-plans. The Survey also used information already gathered by a few Manx folklore scholars, notably the Speaker of the House of Keys A.W. Moore, Dr John Clague, Charles Roeder, Cyril I. Paton and W. Walter Gill.
The Survey drew an important distinction between folk-life and folklore, the former being very clearly what it aimed to collect: 'Folklore deals with the spiritual side of life - with beliefs and customs that give a certain religious and magical significance to the acts and objects of everyday life. Folk-life, on the other hand, directs one's attention not only to these beliefs and practices but to the normal occupations and material equipment of life.' (Manx Folk-Life Survey: Its scope and outline of material, FLS).
Language: English
Extent: 36 boxes
Collection: Manuscript Archive
Level: FONDS
ID number: FLS
Access conditions: A small percentage of contributors' files are currently closed awaiting data protection review in 2020. Advance notification of a research visit is advisable by emailing
Archive catalogue
Linked Records
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Andrews, Union Mills, interviewed by unspecified interviewer (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Agnew of 12 Willaston Crescent, Douglas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes from Mr E.W. Adames on the Ramsey Breweries and the Hall Caine Airport, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Messrs Clelland (senior and junior) of Abbeylands, Onchan, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- The Aitnagh, Kirk German, described to Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Manx Memories of Miss Dora and Miss Ethel Brown, daughters of T.E. Brown (Manx national poet,1830-1897) (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by James Brew, St Jude's, Sulby, interviewed by Mary Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by James Brew, joiner from Sulby, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- 'Our Corn Mills: 1900-1950' by Mr T.A. Brew, Kella Mills, Sulby (Notebook 1) (typescript)
- 'Manx Carts' by Mr T.A. Brew, Kella Mills, Sulby (Notebook number 4) (typescript)
- Odd notes by Mr T.A. Brew, Kella Mills, Sulby, collected by MQ (typescript)
- 'Water Supply' by Mr T.A. Brew, Kella Mills, Sulby (notebook no.5) (typescript)
- 'Digging and Baking Turf' by Mr T.A. Brew (typescript)
- Letters from Mr T.A. Brew, Kella Mills, Sulby to Mr Megaw (typescript)
- Letter from Mr T.A. Brew of Sulby about Sulby burial grounds (typescript)
- Letter from Mr T.A. Brew of Sulby about smithies (typescript)
- Clay Dubs by Mr T.A. Brew, Kella Mills, Sulby, interviewed by BTA/K (typescript)
- Letter from Mr T.A. Brew to Mr B.R.S. Megaw with diagram of Lhen Trench (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Brew, Jurby, interviewed by Mary Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr P. Bridson, Kenilworth, Crossag Road, Ballasalla (typescript)
- Copy letter from Mr R. Stuart Bruce to the Manx Museum about the Manx fishing fleet at Shetland (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by David Boreland, Laxey Hill, Old Laxey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Letter from Mr J.R. Bruce, 'Granane', Bay View Road, Port Erin to A.M. Cubbon, Secretary Manx Museum with comments in left-hand margin by Mr J.C. Brown, harbour engineer (typescript)
- Letter from Mona Breadner on Sir William Hillary's promise of a pension to the builders of the Tower of Refuge (typescript)
- 'The Wreck of the Dart' by E. Faragher from Mrs Barishnikoff, Port St Mary (typescript)
- 'Lines on the Loss of the Fishing boat Olive of Castletown which was run down by the Sailing Ship Ashworth April 1874' by Edward Faragher from Mrs Barishnikoff, Port St Mary (typescript)
- Notes by B.R.S. Megaw on the fishing lugger said to have been built in Colby Glen (typescript)
- Letter from Mrs A.L. Barishnikov, Chapel Gate, Bay View Road, Port St Mary to Manx Museum, Douglas (typescript)
- Notes on Ballaquine, West Baldwin, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, West Baldwin, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the old farmstead at Eary ny Suie, in West Baldwin, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the small house on the road from Regaby to Glascoe, just beyond Ballacorey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Ballahimmin Farm above Cronk-y-Voddy off road to Little London, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on thatched houses at Ballaterson on the road to Maughold Church, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Ballachrink Farm, Dalby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.H. Boyde, Ballawyllin, St John's, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Elsie Boyde, the Corrin Memorial Home, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the Mill on Ballaugh River, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the house at Solomon's Corner, Ballamoddha and others, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Frank Brew, Main Road, Kirk Michael, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Brown, Duke's Road, Douglas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Black, near Crossroads, St Jude's, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.W. Black, St Jude's, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Miss Bell, Ballachrink, near St John's, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Brew, Hawthorn Cottage, Lagagh Road, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Newspaper extracts from the 'Isle of Man Times' from Miss Lewin, Crosby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr F. Beale, Begoade Road, Onchan, aged almost 90, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the possible site of corn kiln at The Ballamoar, Lonan, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Lough ny Yeigh, Lezayre occupied and owned by James Brown, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the old famstead of Ballahenny, Bradda, Rushen, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the old house at Close William, Andreas, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the long-handled spade by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the Beggar's House, Ballamoar, Earystane, Arbory by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Bridson, Ballahutchin, Dalby, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Ball, Brooke House, Sandygate, aged 88, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on use of small Manx slates on buildings, Ballarobin, Malew, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on house by the roadside, Bollagh Road, Ballaugh, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Ballavall Farm, Malew, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by H.M. Briggs of Ballakilmartin, Mrs McCutcheon of Ballakilmartin and Mr A. Moore of Begoade-Ballig, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Bride, Ballacallow and East Kimmeragh, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the East Kimmeragh, Bride, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Hogg of Lower Ballagrawe, interviewed by Margaret Killip (handwritten script)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr A. Quiggin, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on names of two crofts in Ballaugh Curragh, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on old farmhouse at Ballaskaig, Maughold, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on clay and straw-built house in field on Lower Ballagarret, Bride, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Copy letter from Mr Bruce to the Director of The Manx Museum (typescript)
- Plans and drawings of Ballahowin Farmhouse above Ballafageen, Upper Baalcooley, Michael and Montpelier House near Druidale, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Description and plan of a ruined cornmill at Ballahowin, German, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on field names obtained by Mr R. Bruce from Jack Madrell, Port Erin (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kelly on Corn Mill, Ballahowin, St John's (known by Mr Kelly, Ballkilley as Mylchraine's Mill), interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Ballakilley, Lonan, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Ballarock Farm, Rushen, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on mud-walled farmhouse at Ballachurry Andreas, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Charles Corrin, Bemeccan, Seaview Road, Onchan, interviewed by Mary Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Charles Corrin, Bemeccan, Seaview Road, Onchan, interviewed by Mary Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corrin, Bemeccan, Seaview Road, Onchan, interviewed by Mary Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Charles Corrin, Bemeccan, Seaview Road, Onchan, interviewed by Mary Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes by Eric Cregeen (typescript)
- Notes by Eric Cregeen on a visit to Greeba Mill district (typescript)
- Notes on an excursion to the north of the Isle of Man with Mr and Mrs Lucas (typescript)
- List of roads and streets, together with occupants, in Ramsey between 1846 and 1900 (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Fred Cain, Glen Auldyn, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr. F.A. Comaish, Glen Wyllin, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes by Mr F.A. Comaish, Kirk Michael (typescript)
- Notes on photographs kept by F.A. Comaish, Kirk Michael (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Comish, Ontario, Canada (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Comish, Ontario, Canada (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Comish, Ontario, Canada (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Comish, Ontario, Canada (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Comish, Ontario, Canada (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Comish, Ontario, Canada (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Comish, Ontario, Canada (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Comish, Ontario, Canada (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Comish, Ontario, Canada (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Comish, Ontario, Canada (typescript)
- Letter extract from John Comish, Tower Street, Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada (typescript)
- Letter extract from John Comish, Tower Street, Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada, to B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Letter extract from John Comish, Tower Street, Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada (typescript)
- Notes on Castletown by J. Henry Cooper, Arbory Street, Castletown (notebook number 4) (typescript)
- Notes on Castletown by Henry Cooper, Arbory Street, Castletown (notebook number 5) (typescript)
- Notes on Castletown by Henry Cooper, Arbory Street, Castletown (notebook number 6) (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Henry Cooper, Arbory Street, Castletown, interviewed by J.W. Collister (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by H. Cooper, Arbory Street, Castletown, interviewed by W. Collister (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr H. Cooper, Arbory Street, Castletown (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by J. Henry Cooper, Castletown, interviewed by J.W. Collister (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Henry Cooper, Castletown, collected by J.W. Collister (notebook number 5) (typescript)
- Notes taken from articles published in 1937 in the 'Isle of Man Times' written by P W Caine regarding reminiscences of Mrs Green (Old Union Mills) and R. Quayle (old Michael, Maughold and Douglas) (typescript)
- Notes taken from article published in 1937 in the 'Isle of Man Times' written by P W Caine regarding reminiscences of Edward Connall (Ned Connall) about old Douglas and of Robert Quayle regarding old Kirk Michael, Maughold and Douglas (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by J.D. Kelly on Old Kirk Michael, collected by P.W. Caine (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Clague on horse-drawn vehicles, collected by Mr P.W. Caine (typescript)
- Notes on Old Cronkbourne by Mr P.W. Caine (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by P.W. Caine about Mr Sayle Corlett of the Craig, St Judes, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Information extracted from a letter from Gordon Bell, Ramsey replying to P W Caine's request for information about Sulby Starch Mills (typescript)
- Handwritten letter and typescript transcription of same from Philip W. Caine, Douglas to Mrs Quilliam about Balla Churry, Rushen (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Joseph Dobson, Douglas, collected by Mr P.W. Caine (typescript)
- Letter from Gordon Bell to Mr P.W. Caine regarding the Sulby Starch Mills (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs R.H. Cubbon (typescript)
- Copy of Indenture of apprenticeship dated 16 August 1866, contributed by William Clucas (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by William Clucas (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by William Clucas, sailmaker, Port St Mary (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Cubbon, Patrick Street, Peel, interviewed by Mary Quilliam (typescript)
- Poem by Captain John Cubbon, Genaby, contributed by Herbert Salisbury, The Smelt, Port St Mary (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Cringle, Derby Road, Peel, interviewed by JLQ (typescript)
- Letter from M. Stevenson asking for information about Ballaglonney Fairy Bridge superstitions (typescript)
- Letter from Mr Cubbon of Cairbrie, Albany Road, Douglas to Miss B.L. Ogden (typescript)
- Notes by W. Cubbon (typescript)
- Names of Surveyors of Northside Tithe Plans 1839 and the 18th century, contributed by Mr W. Cubbon (typescript)
- Letter extract from W.K. Harrison to W. Cubbon (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by William Cubbon, by an unknown interviewer (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by William Cubbon, Douglas, by unknown interviewer (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Creer, Surby, Rushen, aged 87 years (typescript)
- Notes from the [un-named] proprietor of Colby Inn (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward (Neddy) Crebbin, Cregneash, collected by P.W. Caine (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Fred Callow, Waterloo House, Ramsey, told at the 1950 Folk Life Survey Exhibition in Ramsey (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corkill, cottage by the railway line near Ballaglass stop, aged 76 years (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corkish, sailmaker, Braddan Infirmary, interviewed by LQ and C. Clarke (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corkish, 53 Bray Hill, Douglas, interviewed by Mary Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corkish, 53 Bray Hill, Douglas, ex-inspector, aged 93 years (typescript)
- Letter extract from Mr J.R. Corlett, Ivy Dene, Sulby (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Joe Corkill, Ramsey given at the 1950 folk-life survey exhibition at Ramsey (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Henry A. Cooil, Creggan Beg, Primrose Terrace, Port St Mary, who formerly farmed Ballacreggan Farm, Port St Mary, collected by BRSM, Mrs Barishknikov and ZS (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T. Costain, Riverside Cottage, Colby, who farmed at Ballachrink, Arbory, aged about 80 years, interviewed by Mary Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Henry Corlett, East Ballabane, Andreas, aged 97, interviewed by LQ and Mary Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Arthur Corteen, ex-blacksmith, Douglas police sergeant, interviewed by E. Cregeen (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Thomas Cowley, the Creggans, Lezayre, interviewed by Mary Quilliam, William Cowley and Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. Cowley, The Clanagh Road, Sulby, who farmed at Creggans, interviewed by unknown person, Mr Cowley and Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Jim Cain, Foxdale and Mr Callister, Albany Road, Douglas, interviewed by Basil Megaw and Mary Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes by W. Christian about the Starch Mills, Sulby Glen (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. Christian, Sulby Glen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alfred (Alfie) Christian, White Lodge, Sulby Glen, interviewed by M.S. Stevenson and Mary Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alfred Christian, White Lodge, Sulby Glen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alfred Christian, Sulby Glen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Copies of 18th and 19th century manunscripts regarding the Wiles and Corlett (Broughjiarg) families in Ballaugh and Garrett, Ballabrooie and Christian, Curraghs, Lezayre (typescript)
- Notes by Mr and Miss Christian, Northop, Greeba (notebook number 1) (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss and Mr Christian, Northop, Greeba, interviewed by Mary Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward Christian, Northop, Greeba, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Christian, Northop, Greeba, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward Christian, Greeba (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr E. Christian, Greeba (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward Christian, Greeba (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward Christian, Greeba (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by unknown person (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward Christian, Greeba (typescript)
- Notes by Edward Christian, Greeba (typescript)
- Survey form on the Harvesting of Grain Crops by Edward Christian, Greeba and produced by Alexander Fenton (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.H. Cleator, Ramsey, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on the schooner 'Reaper' by Mr Clugson, Port St Mary (typescript)
- Notes on the Manx language by Mr Clague and Miss Cregeen (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr A. Clague, Douglas, collected by LQ and C. Clarke (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alfred Clague of Douglas, collected by CEF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alfred Clague of Douglas, collected by CEF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Annie Clague of Dalby, collected by ZS and LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Clauge of Dalby, collected by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Annie Clague of Dalby, collected by JLQ (typescript)
- Notes on workers in the Sulby Woollen Mill, by Tom Corlett, Ballacaley and Fred Kneale, Ballacaley (typescript)
- Extracts from a log book kept by The Revd A.E. Clarke, chaplain of St Stephen's, Sulby (typescript)
- Extracts from a log book kept by the curate of St Stephen's, Sulby, copied by Mr Allen, Sulby (typescript)
- 'In By Gone Days - Ballaugh and Douglas', notebook by David Corlett, Ballaugh (typescript)
- 'In By Gone Days - Ballaugh and Douglas', notebook (no.2) by David Corlett, Ballaugh (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Craine of Ballakirky, Glen Maye, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Craine of Ballakirky, Glen Maye, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Towler, Glen Maye, collected by Mrs Maude Davison (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Corlett of Ballayonaigue, Bride, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W.M. Caley, Ballacottier, Bride, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.H. Caley, Ballacottier, Bride, collected by L.M. Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W.M. Corkish, Ballakinnag Croft, Andreas (typescript)
- Notes on old Peel by Ewan Christian, Peel (typescript)
- Notes on fishing by Ewan Christian, Peel (typescript)
- Notes on Peel by Ewan Christian, Peel (typescript)
- Notes on food by Ewan Christian, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Caesar Crellin, Andreas, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Willie Creer, Jurby, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on fishing by Harry Craige and George Looney, Derbyhaven (typescript)
- Notes from Miss Hilda Cowin's lecture on the parish of Lonan (typescript)
- Notes on a stone basin in Peel by BRSM (typescript)
- Note by Mr. R.A. Curphey on land ownership at the Strang (typescript)
- List of Manx chapels and construction dates by Mr Cretney (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Clucas family, Port St Mary (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Philip Cain, Port Erin, interviewed by JRB (typescript)
- Notes on recipe for curing skins contributed by Edward Corteen, Maughold (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corkish, Bride (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corkish, Bride (typescript)
- Extracts from the 'Ramsey Courier' and 'Northern Advertiser' (typescript)
- Notes on Killey the Gull, Ramsey, by Walter Clarke (typescript)
- Notes on types of fishing boats by Mr W. White, Ramsey, collected by W. Clarke (typescript)
- Notes on mainsails of nickies by Walter Clarke, collected by Mr Maddrell (typescript)
- Notes on gorse chopping and bruising (typescript)
- Notes on hedge roads, by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss L.M. Collister, Palatine Road, Douglas, collected by CEF (typescript)
- Plan of Ronaldsway belonging to Captain J.F. Crellin, Ballachurry, Andreas, collected by BRSM (typescript)
- Copy of photostat of cost of rebuilding Close y Kee in 1803, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Copy of field names, contributed by J. Crellin (typescript)
- Field names at Close y Kee, St Jude's, Andreas (typescript)
- Field names contributed by Mr J. Crellin (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Caesar Callister, Lhen Bridge, West Craig, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Diary of Thomas Callister of Lhen Bride, St Jude's (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Caesar Callister, Lhen Bridge, Andreas, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Caesar Callister, Lhen Bridge, West Craig, Andreas, collected by B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by J.C. Callister, Lhen Bridge, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Caesar Callister, West Craige, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by J.C. Callister, the Bridge, West Craige, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Frances Keig, West Craige, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Nessie Cleator, Clanagh Road, Sulby, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Cowell, Queens Terrace, Douglas, collected by H. Quayle and B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Christian, Ballavaaish beg (middle farm), Kirk German, collected by B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on stone dug-up in garden of Ballagawne House by J. Connal, collected by A.M. Cubbon and CEF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Albert Callister, Foxdale and Glen Rushen district, collected by Mr West and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Cain, Wireless Shop, New Road, Laxey, collected by KMF and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Jim Clague, Ballaglass cottage, Maughold (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Thomas Christian, Ballacunner, Andreas, collected by EF and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Caley, Ballacottier, Bride, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Sketches drawn by Frank Cowin (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Leonard Craine, Prince's Street, Douglas, collected at Antiquarian meeting at Manx Museum (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corlett, Glen Bhooiee, German, collected by Mrs Flanagan and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Gilbert Corteen, Thalloo Queen, Maughold, collected by Miss Gwen Callister and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by James Costain, Berachach, Colby (typescript)
- Notes regarding sundiial dated 1729 discovered by Mr McLeish, Kerrowkeil, Grenaby, collected by B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Annie C. Clarke, formerly of Ilmington C.E. School House, Shipston-on-Stour, Warwickshire, collected by B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information about Snaefell Mines contributed by John Caley, Mines Road, Laxey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Copy letter from J.F. Corlett, Caerbrie, Victoria Road, Castletown (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by J.S. Corlett, Rosemount, Douglas, collected by CEF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Corlett, Kirk Michael, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs W.J. Comish, collected by Miss Z. Sayle (typescript)
- Letter and copy letter by Mrs A. Comish of Grenaby Hill, near Ballasalla (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Ferdy Clague, Rencell, Laxey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Charles Clarke, Douglas Road, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by William Caley, Close y Garey, Poortown, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Christian, Dalby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alfred Curphey of cottage near Ballacallin Hotel, Dalby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alfred Curphey, Ballacallin Cottage, Dalby, Patrick, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Cowin, Ballachrink, Hilberry, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr S. Cowin, Ballachrink, Hilberry, Onchan, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by R. Callister, Mevania, the Promenade, Port St Mary, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corkill, blacksmith, Hope Street, Castletown, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corkill, blacksmith, Hope Street, Castletown, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Philip Christian, Patrick Street, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Cannell, Abbeylands, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Cannell, Abbeylands, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Cannell, Abbeyville, Abbeylands, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Cannell, Abbeyville, Abbeylands, Onchan, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Cannell, Abbeylands, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Cannell, Abbeyville, Abbeylands, Baldwin, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Cannell, Abbeyville, Abbeylands, Braddan, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robery Cannell, Abbeylands, Baldwin, Hilberry, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corrin, Patrick Street, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs W. Christian, the Café, Sulby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Corkish, Windsor Road, Ramsey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by W. Clarke, Primrose Avenue, Douglas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Norman Crowe, Douglas Road, Kirk Michael, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Cubbon, Queen's Terrace, Old Chapel, Lonan, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Cain, Kingswood, Douglas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Story about Fiery Cross, by Mr C.J. Callister, Sunnyhill, St John's, for a competition in the Cruinnaght (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Freddie Kaighen, Kirk Michael, on fishing marks in the Kirk Michael area (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Thomas Corkish, near Surby Mooar, Surby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Thomas Corkish, near Surby Farm, Surby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by J.J. Corlett, King Orry, Minorca, Laxey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Corkhill of Dhollan, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Callow of the Jalloo, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Thomas Corlett, Ramsey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Tom Crennell, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by William Corkish, Bride, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alfred Crellin, Ramsey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Tom Callister, Jurby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corlett, Sulby Village, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Cottier of Bride Road, Ballacottier, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by James Caine, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- List of names of Port St Mary fishing boats by John Edward Cojeen, Colby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R.E. Corkhill, Douglas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on places by Mr R. Clague, Lonan, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on old lifeboat at Port Erin by Mr J.R. Corrin, Colby (typescript)
- List of fishing boats in the south of the Isle of Man, c.1890, by Mr T.E. Collister, Douglas (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by James Cringle of Lezayre church, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corkhill, Agneash Laxey collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Katie Crowe, Lezayre, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Curphey, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Cowin, Hilberry, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Peel Rope Works by Mr Craine, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Arthur Cregeen, Port Erin, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward Creer, Braddan, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Cowley of Douglas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Callister of Castle Lake, Ballaugh collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Stanley Cretney, Santon, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Cubbon, Malew, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Craine, Douglas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Creer, Braddan and Ewan Philip Grawe (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs K. Cringle, Bay ny Carrickey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Craine, Foxdale, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Cowell snr and Tom Cowell, Baldwin (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T. and Mrs J. Cowell, West Baldwin, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Tom Cowell, Eary Veg, Baldwin, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Clarke, Baldrine Hill, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Caley, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Corlett, West Baldwin, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corlett, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corlett, Sulby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr H.H. Corlett, The Mount, South Cape, Laxey (typescript)
- Notes on corn mill, West Baldwin, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Caine, Kirk Michael, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Comish, Grenaby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Maps of the ecclesiastical boundaries between Arbory and Malew by Mrs W.J. Comish, Grenaby, collected by Sayle (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr F.B. Clucas, German, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corkhill, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Cretney, Marown, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by William Cottier, Dalby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Christian, Port Erin, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Callister, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Callister, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Map of the fields of Ballig Farm, Baldrine, by Mr R. Cojeen, Douglas (typescript)
- Details of a cottage in Andreas (typescript)
- Notes collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on joinery by Fred Costain, Colby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Fred Costain, Colby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Cowley, Douglas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Callow, Tromode, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Clague, Patrick, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Cormode, Kirk Michael, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Thomas Cowin, Kewaigue, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs J.A. Curphy, Malew, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr G.H. Clucas, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Cormode, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Cormode, the Curragh Beg, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss C.M. Cowley, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Gallow and George Gale, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss E.M. Caine, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Christian, Foxdale, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Clelland, Abbeylands, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corlett, Ramsey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Cleator, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Stanley Corlett, Tromode, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Corlett, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Albert Cannan, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Clucas, Colby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corrin, Arbory, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Callister, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Jimmy Corteen, Ramsey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Corlett, West Baldwin, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Curphey, Arbory, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Curphey, Arbory, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Thomas Cormode, St Mark's, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Cormode, St Mark's, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Fields and place names by Louis Crellin, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Louis Crellin, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Louis Crellin, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Fred Carr, Kerrow Mooar, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Letter from J.E. Cain, New Zealand (formerly Douglas) (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Arthur Corkhill, Dalby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr H. Christian and Miss Christian, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Howard Christian, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Frank Caine and Mrs Caine, Lezayre, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Radcliffe, Black Hill, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Craine, Callaugh Curragh, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R. Craine, Ballaugh Curraghs, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Christory, Bride, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Messrs Chirstory and Cassidy, Kirk Bride, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Albert Cassidy and Mr Christory, Bride, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Albert Cassidy, Bride, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R. Christory and Mrs Christory, Bride, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Christory and Mrs Christory, Bride, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Cassidy, Bride, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corlett, Sulby Glen, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T. Corlett, Sulby Glen, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T. Corlett, Old Sulby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Crellin, Greeba and Miss K. Corkhill, St John's, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Extract from a New Zealand newspaper on John Cubbon, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Callister, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr A. Callister, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Field names collected by Canon Cain and Arthur Kewin, Bride, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Clucas, Rushen, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the Cumberland Terrace, Laxey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. Crellin, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by William Crellin, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr C. Callow, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr C. Callow, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr C. Callow, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Cyril Callow, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R. Callow, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Thomas Conteen, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Christian, Onchan, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Christian, Malew, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr P. Corrin, Malew, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward Corkill, Laxey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Clarke, St John's, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Callister, Douglas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R. Corlett, Braddan, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Caine, Kirk Michael, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Callister, Ballasalla, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Hilton, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Extract from the deed of conveyance of a property in East Baldwin, lent by Sidney Corlett, East Baldwin, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. Cain, Peel Road, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Cain, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Verses by Mr Quayle, contributed by Mrs Cowin (typescript)
- Notes collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Drawing of a thatched house, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Curphey, Jurby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.R. Corrin, Colby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs A. Creer, Australia and Mr and Mrs Cringle, Ballabeg, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.W. Cleator, Ramsey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr P.E. Cleator, Jurby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Copy letter from Mr J.C. Crellin, Andreas, to Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Christian, Jurby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Butlin, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs T.B. Quirk, Peel, Ewan Christian, Miss Jessie Cowell, Bridge Street and Mrs Vick, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Drawings of farmhouses in Upper Cornaa Valley, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Joe Craine, Kirk Michael, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Cain, Derby Haven, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Field names by Mr J.W. Cleator, Ramsey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. Comaish, Castletown, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Plans of Lower Cordeman House and building, Malew, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Messrs T. and R. Cormode, Ramsey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W.J. Cowin, Lezayre, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr L. Corkill, Ballaugh, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corkill, Ramsey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the Cleigh Clagh (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Daisy Crellin, Surby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr H. Corkill, Miss Farasher and Mr Garrett, Jurby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Jack Clague, Braddan, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Daisy Fielding (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.W. Callister, Ballasalla, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Map of the Calf of Man with place names marked (typescript)
- Inscriptions in cave on Calf of Man (typescript)
- Sketch and notes of landing places and names on the Calf of Man, contributed by Captain T.V. Kinley (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Corkill, Ballachrink, Jurby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Photographs by Roger Craig of the interior of an old outbuilding at Ballachrink Jurby, Corkill's Farm, collected by Margaret Killip (photograph)
- Notes on information contributed by Neddy Cain, Church Street, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Field names of Trelja, Patrick, from Mrs J. Clark, Cronk ny Geayee, Lonan, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes by A.H. Cubbon, Director of The Manx Museum (typescript)
- Description of St Catherine's, Onchan, belonging to Richard Cain, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Letter extract from Willie Dodd, Peel (typescript)
- Copy letter from William Dodd, Peel, to Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by W. Dodd, Peel (typescript)
- Replies to nautical questionnaire from W. Dodd, Rheayst Lane, Peel, prepared by Edgar March (typescript)
- Notes on photographs from William Dodd, Peel (typescript)
- Tom Dodd, talk given at The Manx Museum, Old Christmas (typescript)
- Place name from Tom Dodd, Peel (typescript)
- Story from a trip to South Africa by M. Lewin (nee Marion Dodd), copied from the original of Tom Dodd, Peveril Terrace, Peel (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Davis, Ballasalla, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Daugherty, West Craig Road, near Close William, Andreas, collected by Miss Gwen Callister and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Daugherty, Keeilltushtagh, Andreas, collected by Walter Clarke (typescript)
- Mona Douglas on the Mollag Band (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Dalgleish, the Promenade, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Dalgleish, The Promenade, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Dugdale, The Post Office, Andreas (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Stephen Dugdale, The Post Office, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Floor layouts for Dreemskerry, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Lough Drughaig, Andreas, from Stephen Dugdale, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Plan of Douglas showing Railway Station and main streets (typescript)
- Notes on the Mountain School, managed by the vicar and wardens of Lezayre (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Ennett, Riverside, St John's, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Ellison, Cronk Mooar House, Dalby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Evans, Crossing House, Knocksharry (typescript)
- Sketch of Eairystane Chapel, Ballamoar, Arbory, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the Ellan Rhenny, including sketches, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by unknown contributor, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by A. Eastwood, Minorca Hill, Laxey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Bridson, Ballahutcheon Mooar, Dalby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Copy of the will of David Callister of Eary Cushlin, Kirk Patrick (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Faragher, miller, Castletown (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Faragher, miller, Castletown Mill, collected by MQ and M. Stevenson (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Sulby farmer, met on road that runs by Miss Kneale's ruined cottage, Sulby (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Faragher, miller, Garwick Mill, collected by LQ and C. Clarke (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Faragher, miller, Garwick (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Faragher, Bride Village, as told to Herbert Quayle, Douglas (typescript)
- Copy letter from Robert Fullerton, Branchiclate, Hamnavoe, Lerwick, to Mr Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Faragher, Hope Street, collected by CEF (typescript)
- Notes on stepped well at Ballakinnag Farm, Ballaugh, collected by M. Quilliam and C. Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Fayle, Staward, Sulby, collected by EF and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Faragher, Ballacraine, Peel Road, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Faragher, Injebreck, Crosby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Faragher, "Injebreck", Woodlea Villas, Crosby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Letter extract from Leslie F. Faragher to Mrs H.H. Corlett, the Mount, Laxey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Tuck Mill at Ballavagher Braddan, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Faragher, Ballahick, Malew, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Ballafreer, Marown with diagrams, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on fishing marks off Port St Mary, originally given by Richard Knean, collected by Z. Sayle (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Faragher, Ballachrink, Jurby East, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on boats, 1914-1934 (typescript)
- Notes on fishing boats and owners permitted to fish, 1918 (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Farrington of Crosby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Copy of the last will and testament of John Cleater (typescript)
- Notes on information collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Gawne family, provided by John Gawne, collected by BRSM (typescript)
- Story told about the flag of the 'Bonny Lass', by John Gawne to Mr Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John B. Gawne, Fistard (notebook no.2) (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John B. Gawne, Fistard (notebook no.3) (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John B. Gawne, Fistard, on fishermen's ganseys, collected by BRSM (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Gawne, Fistard (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John B. Gawne, Fistard (notebook no.4) (typescript)
- List of houses in Cregneash about 1889-1890 (typescript)
- Letters between John Gawne, Fistard, Port St Mary, and Mr Megaw, along with an attached extract from Mrs Blanche Nelson's 'Manx Stories' (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John B. Gawne, Fistard, Port St Mary on ships' figureheads, collected by BRSM (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John B. Gawne, Fistard, collected by ZS (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Gawne, Fistard (typescript)
- Copy letter from John B. Gawne, Fistard, Port St Mary, collected by Mr Megaw (typescript)
- Notes sent by Mr Gawne to Mr Megaw in connection with the book, 'Sailing Drifters' by E.J. March (typescript)
- Copy letter from John B. Gawne, Fistard, Port St Mary (typescript)
- Copy letter from John B. Gawne, Fistard, Port St Mary (typescript)
- Copy letter from John B. Gawne, Fistard, Port St Mary, to Mr Cubbon (typescript)
- Copy letter from John B. Gawne, Fistard, Port St Mary, regarding a request for information from the Manx Museum (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John B. Gawne, Fistard, Port St Mary, collected by ZS (typescript)
- Copy letter from J.B. Gawne, Fistard, Port St Mary, collected by ZS (typescript)
- Copy and notes of information written by John B. Gawne, Fistard, Port St Mary (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John.B. Gawne, Fistard, Port St Mary (letter and accompanying typescript)
- Information extracted from letter from John B. Gawne, Fistard regarding the 'Bonnie Lass' in reply to a museum enquiry (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John B. Gawne, Fistard, Port St Mary, about a painting of Manx fishing boats (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Gawne, Fistard, Port St Mary, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Gawne, Fistard, Port St Mary, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Gawne, Fistard, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by J. Gawne, Fistard, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John B. Gawne, formerly of Fistard, now Port Erin, collected by Z. Sayle (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Gawne, Castletown Road, Port Erin, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes from John Gawne on the schooner, 'North Barrule' (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Gell, Avondale Road, Onchan, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Garrett, collected by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Gilmour, Sulby Green, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Tom Gelling, Ballaglass Mill, Maughold, collected by Zillah Sayle and Mary Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Gelling, Corna Mill, Ballaglass, collected by Mary Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes extracted from 6 December 1948 letter from W.W. Gill, Cregneash with 13 December letter of thanks from Eric Cregeen (Manx Museum reference L2/1-C) later returned to Mr Cregeen and note regarding a field name supplied by Mr Gill in an August 1961 letter (The dial fields, nos 1370 adn 1372). (typescript)
- Letter from W.W. Gill, Ballaskeig, Maughold (typescript)
- Copy letter from W. Walter Gill, Cregneash, to Basil Megaw (typescript)
- Copy letter from W. Walter Gill, Cregneash, to Basil Megaw (typescript)
- Copy letter from W. Walter Gill, Cregneash, to Mr Megaw (typescript)
- Copy letter from W. Walter Gill, Cregneash, relating to field names (typescript)
- Letter extract from W. Walter Gill, Cregneash (typescript)
- Letter extract from W.W. Gill, Cregneash (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Graves, Peel, collected by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Thomas Gawne, Ballavarteen, Andreas, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Collection of old field names with notes, contributed by 'Meenid' J.W. Gelling, Crosby (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr A.H. Geling, Ballacamaish, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Goldsmith, Lhergy Crebedy, formerly of Ballachrink, above Hillberry, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Copy of broadcast talk with Nikolay Giovannelli (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R.C. Gill, Ballavarry, Andreas, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contirbuted by Mr R.C. Gill, Ballavarry, Andreas (typescript)
- Notes taken while examining Herbert Gill's sail-making equipment at Herdman Institute Exhibition, Port Erin (typescript)
- Letter extract from Miss Freda Llewellyn Gill, Arlington House, Cheddar, Somerset, to Mr Megaw (typescript)
- Copy letter from Miss Freda L.l. Gill, Arlington House, Cheddar, Somerset, to Mr Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Annie Garside (nee Carine), Brookfield, Ramsey, collected by FCE (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Major Keith G. Groves, 'Thie-Varrey', Kirk Maughold, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Major K.G. Groves, Maughold (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss E. Guest, 'Woodville', Victoria Road, Douglas on field names at Ballelby, Dalby (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs P. Glass, Nantwich, Cheshire (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Goldie, Middle Loughan, Jurby, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Washington Gray, Cashel Street, Christchurch, New Zealand and Murrays Road, Douglas (notebook no.1) (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John R. Gree, London Road, Liverpool, collected by REF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Levi Greggor, Stanley Road, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Levi Greggor, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Levi Greggor, Peel, Westlands, formerly of Stanley Road, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Gorry, Ellan Vanin, Groudle Road, Onchan, formerly of Begoade Farm and Pooyl Villa, Lonan, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- List of crofts and old cottages in Bride and notes on information contributed by J.W. Garrett, Ballagennee, Lezayre Road, Ramsey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Gawne of Ballaugh Glen, Burnside, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Gale, Taubman Street, Ramsey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Gale, Croit-ny-Kenzie, Andreas Village, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Gale, Croit ny Kenzie, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Gale, Croit e Kenzie, Andreas Village, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward Christian, Northrop, Greeba, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Gill, Nelson Street, Douglas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Levi Greggor, Stanley Road, Peel; Mr F. Teare, St Peter's Lane, Peel; and Mr and Mrs Gorry, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Gelling, Birchley Terrace, Onchan, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Gelling, Glen Grenaugh, Harbour Road, Santon (typescript)
- Notes on field names from Mr Gelling, Ballavitchell Road, Marown, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Gelling, Ballavitchal Road, Greeba, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Gelling, Ballavitchell Road, Crosby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.J. Gawne, Cloverdale, Four Roads, Port St Mary, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Garrett, Kerrow Mooar, Malew, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Joseph Garrett, Lower Ballagick, Santon (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Graham, near Sulby Glen Hotel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Gale, Ballacowell, Bride, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Gale, the Lhen, Andreas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information and sketch contributed by Mr Gilmour, Allan Street, Douglas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Gale, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by J.A. Curphey, Balthane Farm, Ballasalla, Malew, collected by Miss L. Garrard (typescript)
- Letter from Mr G.R. Bailey, Hope Street, Castletown, collected by Miss L. Garrard (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by S. Nash, Castletown, collected by L.S. Garrard (typescript)
- Sketch of layout of water driven churn, Glion Cam, Malew, collected by L. Garrard (typescript)
- Sketches of layouts of 'Mill House', Cooil Darry, Michael, and 'Montpelier House', collected by L.S. Garrard (typescript)
- Sketch of layout of Ohio mill (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Mona Douglas, collected by L.S. Garrard (typescript)
- Notes to Miss Killip, collected by L.S. Garrard (typescript)
- Sketch of horse walk mechanism by R. MacDonald, collected by L.S. Garrard (typescript)
- Notes on information collected by Rebecca Lewthwaite, from L.S. Garrard (typescript)
- Notes, including plan, on John Demeza's Paper Mill, Braddan, collected by L.S. Garrard (typescript)
- Letter from L.S. Garrard to Miss Killip concerning information provided by R. Fennimore (typescript)
- Notes and sketch layout of Creggan, Lezayre, by L.S. Garrard (typescript)
- Notes on Tramman, Elder Tree, from Alan Skillan, Ohio Cottage, Ballavoddan Road, Andreas, collected by L.S. Garrard (typescript)
- Set of plans of Crammag Lezayre, based on notes taken on visit to area by L.S. Garrard and S. Harrison (typescript)
- Sketch layout of Calf Mill by L.S. Garrard (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Gale, Ballabeg, Arbory, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Gawne, Derby Road, Peel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Janie Griffin, housekeeper at Ballaglonney, Fleshwick, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Gawne, Glen Villas, Sulby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Gilmour, Baldhoon Road, Laxey, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Teddy Garnett, Ballafodda, Arbory, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about house at Ballakinnag, Andreas, on Croft, Croit ny Mona, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about Ronague House, contributed by Miss Alice Gawne, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by J.H. Green, The Strang, Braddan, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Goldie, Kerroocroie, Jurby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T. Goldie, Kerroocroie, Jurby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Goldie, Kerroocroie, Jurby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T. Gelling, Ballakissack, Santon, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about houses and farms still standing in German, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs R. Garrett, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes with sketch plan of two houses with chiollaghs, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Sketches and plans of houses and outbuildings at Cronk Bane Farms, upper and lower, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Sketches and description of Glen Auldyn Mill, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Arthur Goldsmith and Cyril Adams, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Gilbert, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Handwritten covering letter from Anne Grace, Domestic Buildings Research Group (Surrey) to Ann Harrison, Manx Museum enclosing the Group's typescript report on Bwoaillee Losht, Maughold (typescript)
- Transcript of conversation with Miss Janet Ann Gibb of The Grove, Lezayre, by John Stowell Kenyon (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Lily Harrison, North American Manx, 1935 (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Major F.C. Harris, Doway, Union Mills (typescript)
- Notes about Tom Howland of Bride village and Miss May Kewin of Close Vark, Andreas visiting Old Ballagarrett, Bride, collected by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Hudson, Christian Street, Peel, aged about 83, interviewed by Margaret Killip about poor releif and related topics (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Hudson, The Corrin Memorial Home, Peel, formerly of Christian Street, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Hogg, who lived near The Shore Hotel, Laxey, aged 84, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes by P.G. Hislop on original chiollaghs (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R.H. Hampton, Ballacooper, Santon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Hampton of Ballacooper, Santon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Hudson, The Corrin Memorial Home, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Harvey of Ballamanagh, Abbeylands, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about house at bottom of Hill Road from the Bride coast road to Andreas, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs C. Howland, Ballbirrag, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr H. Cannell, including field names of Kione Droghad, Kirk Michael, collected by Roy Cowin (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Howland, Ballabirragh, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Howland, Ballacain Cottage, Jurby, aged 83, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Howland, Ballabirrag, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Hampton, Ballasaig Beg, Maughold, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about Ballasaig Beg, Maughold, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Article about the South Line, Isle of Man Railway, by R. Powell Hendry (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Andy Joughin, Head Road, Douglas, in conversation with ERC (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Andrew Joughin, Head Road, Douglas, aged about 75, interviewed by L. Quirk and E.R. Cregeen (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Andrew Joughin, Head Road, Douglas, ex-blacksmith of Jurby, interviewed by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Andrew Joughin, Head Road, Douglas, ex-blacksmith of Jurby, interviewed by E.R. Cregeen (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Andrew Joughin, Head Road, Douglas, ex-blacksmith of Jurby, interviewed by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Andrew Joughin, Head Road, Douglas, interviewed by LQ and MQ (typescript)
- Copy letter from John C. Joughin, aged 75, 5 St Fimbarrus Terrace, Fowey, Cornwall, to Mr Cubbon, Manx Museum (typescript)
- Copy letter from Mr J.C. Joughin, 5 St Fimbarrus Terrace, Fowey, Cornwall, to Manx Museum (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Johnson, 8 Vicarage Close, Ballabeg, Arbory, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs V. Johnson, Vicarage Close, Ballabeg, Arbory, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about Injaigyn, Lonan, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kneale, of Ballagarrett, Bride, interviewed by BRSM (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kneale, Ballagarrett, Bride, interviewed by ERC and JLQ (also present Mr Megaw and Mr T.G.E. Powell) (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kneale (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kneale, Ballagarrett, Bride (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kneale of Ballagarrett, Bride, interviewed by T. Braide and JLQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kneale, Ballagarret, Bride, interviewed by LQ and T. Braide (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kneale, Ballagarret, interviewed by LQ and J. Irving (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kneale, Ballagarrett, Bride, interviewed by JLQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kneale, Ballagarrett (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kneale, Ballagarrett, interviewed by J.L. Quirk (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kneale, Ballagarrett, interviewed by L. Quirk (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Kneen of Ballaugh, interviewed by Mr Jolly (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Kneen, blacksmith, Ballaugh Curragh, interviewed by MQ and C. Clarke (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by J. Kneen, Ballaugh, interviewed by T. Braide and Leslie Quirk (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Kneen, blacksmith, Ballaugh Curragh, interviewed by Leslie Quirk (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by J. Kneen, Ballaugh Curragh, interviewed by LQ and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Kneen, Ballaugh Curragh, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Kneen, Ballaugh Curraghs, extract from notebook (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Kneen, Ballaugh Curraghs (notebook no.3), including a description of Mr Kneen's cottage by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about Mr and Mrs Kinvig of Ronague, Manx speakers both born in Ronague (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Kinvig of Ronague, interviewed by Leslie Quirk (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Kinvig of Ronague, interviewed by Leslie Quirk (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Kinvig of Ronague, interviewed by ERC and ZS (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Kinvig of Ronague (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Kinvig of Ronague, interviewed by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Kinvig of Ronague, interviewed by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Kinvig of Ronague, interviewed by BRSM and ZS (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Kinvig of Ronague on their tour of the Manx Museum (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kinvig, Garey Hollin, Ronague, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Kinvig, Ronague, aged 78 (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kinvig, Garey Hollin, Ronague, 'The Contractor' (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs J. Kinvig, Gahelen Farm, Ronague, interviewed by S. Sayle (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs S.J. Kinvig, Garey Hollin, Ronague, interviewed by ZS (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.S. Killip, Helmead, Crot e Quill, Laxey on 'Laxey Mine as I knew it sixty years ago', collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by J.T. Kaighin, interviewed by ERC (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by J.T. Kaighin, Ballagarrett, Bride, interviewed by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Thobm Kaighen, Ballagarrett, Bride, interviewed by Eric Cregeen (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.T. Kaighen, Ballagarrett, Bride, interviewed by Walter Clarke (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Margaret Killip on the parish of Lonan (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alan Caine, New Road, Laxey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by William Stowell, Glenroy, aged 68, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about Laxey Mines, the people of the roads and games played at Laxey School, from various interviews by Kathleen Killip (typescript)
- Notes about 'The Kiln', Lonan, by Margaret Killip and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Garrett, Queens Terrace, Old Chapel, Lonan, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about Ballaglass and Amagery, Lonan, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about place name of Old Laxey, by Margaret Killip from information obtained from various people (typescript)
- Articles by William Hardie Kneale, Regaby, Andreas, aged 80, about Ramsey, 'Life in the Town in the Fifties [1850s]' (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R.R. Kermode (Dick-a-Tay), Ballakilpheric, collected by EC (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Killey of Northcott, interviewed by Leslie Quirk (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kermeen, The Grange, Sulby, interviewed by M. Stevenson, including notes from E. Cregeen's notebook (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Philip Knight, Andreas village, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kennish of Ballaseyr, Andreas, interviewd by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kennish of Ballaseyr, Andreas, interviewed by E. Cregeen (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kerruish, draper of Laxey, whose father came from Bul y Velt, Maughold, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kerruish, Ballelin, Maughold, aged 95, interviewed by Mrs Stobo (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by James Karran of Cregneash (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by James Karran of Cregneash, aged 72, interviewed by Mr Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Kinrade, owner, farmer, about Killabreaga Farm, interviewed by B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Old account of Tholt y Will Bridge discovered by the late Canon Kermode when preparing his history of Lezayre parish (typescript)
- Copy letter from James Kewley of Cheam, Surrey, to Mr Megaw about old Castletown Grammar School (typescript)
- Copy letter from Margaret Kaye, 37 Peel Road, Douglas (formerly of Ballamillaghyn), to Mr Megaw about old customs and recollections of Old Christmas Day (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Killey, Peel Road, Douglas (formerly of Ballavar, Port Soderick), aged 74, granddaughter of Teare, the last Fairy Doctor of Gat y Whing, Andreas, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kennaugh, Ballacraine Smithy, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Letter extract from C.A. Kneen (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kermode, The Howe, aged 91 years, interviewed by Mrs Barishnikov and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Kermode, 9 Somerset Road, Douglas, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kinrade, interviewed by Leslie Quirk (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T.H. Kinrade, Geary Cotttage, Ramsey (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T.H. Kinrade, Geary Cottage, Jurby Road, Ramsey (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T.H. Kinrade, Garey, Jurby Road, Lezayre (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T.H. Kinrade, Geary Cottage, Jurby Road, Lezayre (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs T.H. Kinrade, Garey Cottage, Jurby Road, interviewed by Mrs Flanagan and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T.H. Kinrade, Garey Cottage, Jurby Road, Ramsey (notebook no.1) (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T.H. Kinrade, The Garey, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip, including letter to Miss Sayle (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T.H. Kinrade, The Garey, Jurby Road, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about croft houses near Cranstal Lough, Bride, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T.H. Kinraade, Home of Rest, Ramsey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Stephen Kneale, Ballaugh Curragh, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Copy letter from R.W. Kermeen, Garlieston, Wigtownshire, about 'Memories of Ramsey Shipyard', to B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr A.H. Karran (typescript)
- Notes by P.M.C. Kermode on peat and letters from R. Cunliffe-Shaw regarding old-style Manx farmhouses (typescript)
- Note by P.M.C. Kermode about a sundial (typescript)
- Copy letter from P.M.C. Kermode to Miss Crellin about charms and faeries (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kneale, blacksmith, Lagagh Smith, Smeale, Andreas (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss May Kewin, Close Vark, Andreas (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss May Kewin, Close Vark, Andreas, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss May Kewin, Close Vark, Andreas (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss May Kewin, Close Vark, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Kewin, Close Vark, Andreas and Mr Quayle, Ballavarrey, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Karran, Cregneash, interviewed by ZS (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by William Kneale, Tromode Tannery, Conkbourne village, Braddan, aged 78, interviewed by CEF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Esther Kaighin, Ballagarrett, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kaighen of Lambfell Beg, farm on road side at top of Creg Wyllis Hill, German, interviewed by EF and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quirk, Lambfell and Mr Kaighin, Lambfell Mooar, Cronk y Voddy, German, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kewish of Holly Ville, Ballaugh Glen, interviewed by Mrs E. Flanagan and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Kissack, interviewed by EF and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kneale, Ballachristory, Jurby, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Joe Kneale, Ballabeg, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Kneale, Ballabeg, Andreas, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Beatrice Kneen, Douglas and Ballaugh (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Beatrice Kneen, Ballamoar House, Ballaugh, aged 67, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss F.B. Kneen, Ballamoar, Ballaugh, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Beatrice Kneen, Ballamoar, Ballaugh, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Letter extract from Miss F. Beatrice Kneen, Ballamoar House, Ballaugh, to Miss Sayle, Secretary of the Manx Museum (typescript)
- 'I have seen the myrrh miracle of Man':article by F B Kneen of the Isle of Man published in the Caernarvon and Denbigh Herald (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kennish, Mullinaragher, Marown, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Walter Kaighen, Kerroo Glass, Kirk Michael, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Hugh Kaighen, Rhenass, near Conk-y-Voddy, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Rhenass Farm, German, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Kinley, Port St Mary, caretaker of Cregneash Folk Village (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Francis Kewish, The Cluggid, Sulby Glen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kelly, Clyeen, Kirk Michael (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kelly, mayor of Peel, interviewed by Mrs E. Flanagan and M. Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Ben Kelly of Minorca, Laxey, aged 81, interviewed by Kathleen Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Arthur Kewley, blacksmith of Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Artie E. Kewley, former blacksmith, Andreas and Robbie Kelly, former blacksmith, Ballaugh Cronk, in conversation with Mr R.B. Moore, chairman of the Manx Museum Trustees (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr A.E. Kewley, Andreas blacksmith, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Arthur Kewley, retired blacksmith, lives near Andreas church, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Arthur Kewley, house at crossroads near Andreas Church, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Keig of Ballaugh Village, aged 70, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W.A. Kewin and Miss Kewin, Bride village, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kinrade, 21 Gladstone Avenue, Ramsey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kneen, Sulby village, aged 89, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kneen, Glen Mooar, Sulby Glen, aged 80, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Kelly, The Cronk Smith, Ballaugh, aged over 70, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kelly, blacksmith, The Cronk, Ballaugh and his sister Miss Kelly, Lhagagh Road, Andreas (both formerly of the Dhowin), interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Keenan of Ballaugh Glen, aged over 80, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Amelia Keegan, Peel, interviewed by Eric Cregeen (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Keegan, Douglas Street, Peel, interviewed by LQ (typescript)
- 'Memories of old Peel', by Mrs A.J. Fisher (formerly Amanda Jane Craine) born 25 May 1872, aged 85 (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Charles Kewin, fisherman, Peel, aged 77, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kelly, Beverly House, The Strang, Braddan (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kinnish, Glasgoe Beg Farm, Bride, interviewed by Mr B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Henry Kneen, 9 St Mary's Avenue, Port St Mary, aged 86, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Ben Kelly, Old Parsonage, near Algare, East Baldwin, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Ben Kelly, Old Parsonage, West Baldwin, Braddan, formerly of Algare and Renscault, aged 89, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kerruish, 65 Port e Chee Avenue, Douglas, widow of former stationmaster at Ramsey MER, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Kelly, School Road, Onchan, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Arthur Kermode, Ballacallin, The Braaid and Mr Faragher of The Garth, Marown, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R. Kissack, Kissack builders, Crosby, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kinrade, Palm Cottage, near Ballachrink, Jurby East, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the old deserted farms in the hills about Crosby and Baldwin, including an interview with Mrs Kinvig, Crosby, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kelly, Ballacuberagh, Sulby Glen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kelly, Ballacuberagh, Sulby Glen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Keown, Eary Lane, Greeba, aged 93, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Stanley Kneale, Ballawanton, The Lhen, Andreas and Miss Teare, Ballacallum, The Lhen, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kewley, Ballavartin, Lower Santon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kneale of Cooil Dhoo, Jurby, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Killey, Ballakillwoirrey, German, interviewd by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Willie Kaighen and Miss Kaighen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss A. Kaighen, Lambfell, German, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Stanley Kelly, Carine Terrace, Crosby, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Kneale, Myrtle House, The Dhowin, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kewley, working at T.E. Cubbon's Stone Mason's Yard, Malew Street, Castletown, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Kissack, Kerrowdhoo, Cranstal, Bride, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kelly, the Cottage, Glen Auldyn, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T. Kinvig, Ballastroke Cottage, Ronague, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T. Kinvig, Ballastroke, Arbory, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mathew Killey, Jurby Road, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr M. Killey, near Ballacrebbin, Jurby Road, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Sample of Gullinagh gathered in meadow at Close e Kee, St Jude's by Matt Killey (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T.L. Kneale, Ballagunnal, Andreas and Mr Gelling, Ballacamaish, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Tom Kneen, Orrisdale, The Level, Colby, aged about 80, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Eric Kneale, Ballagarrett, Bride, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr M. Killey, Jurby Road, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kennaugh, lives in Colby but works at Limestone Quarry, Ballasalla, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss E. Kewley, Dumbell's Row, Laxey and Mr T. Marshall, Baldhoon Road, Laxey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Fred Kaighen, Main Road, Kirk Michael, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr E. Kneale, 11 Greenhill Avenue, Liverpool (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Kneale, East Bretney, Jurby, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.S. Kneale, East Bretney, Jurby, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.S. Kneale, East Bretney, Jurby, smithy, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.S. Kneale, East Bretney, Jurby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Stephen Kneale, East Bretney, Jurby, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about the Old Smithy, Cronk Breck, Jurby, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about Ballakilley Farm, Rushen, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.H. Kerruish, Ballachrink Cottage, Ballaglass, Maughold, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kerruish, Ballachrink Cottage, Ballaglass Hill, Maughold and Mrs Alma Quayle, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kelly, Sulbrick, Santon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Kelly, Ballaleigh, Kirk Michael, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kinrade, The Port Farm, Cranstal, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kelly, Virginia, Braddan, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.M. Kissack, Mount View, Foxdale, near the Eairy, aged between 70 and 80, worked at Foxdale Mines and been to sea, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kissack, Foxdale, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Kissack, Foxdale, taken from a conversation with Mr R. Craig, Manx Museum staff (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Kissack, Mount View, Foxdale, by Mr R. Craig, Manx Museum staff (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W.H. Kinnish, Ballavastyn, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kinnish, Ballavastyn, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T. Kinnish, Mwyllinaragher, Marown (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Killey, Boilley Spittal, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Fletcher Kinvig, 31 Springfield Avenue, Spring Valley, Braddan, aged 81, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Killey, 16 Booilley Spittal, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Killey, 16 Booilley Spittal, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Kinnish, Gordon Lane, Gordon, Patrick, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. H. Kewin, Queens Avenue, Ramsey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T. Kinnish, Mullenaragher, Santon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R. Kelly, Southview, Poortown Road, German, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss A. Kneen, 8 Victoria Road, Port St Mary, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss A. Kneen, 8 Victoria Road, Port St Mary, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Kerruish, Ballachrink Cottage, Ballaglass, Maughold (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr F. Kinvig, 31 Springfield Avenue, Braddan, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Goldsmith, Ballamoar, Jurby, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by unknown contributor, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Leece, Kerroo Mooar (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T. Leece, Kerrowmooar (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alfred Leece, aged about 68, Kerrow Mooar, Malew, son of Thomas Leece and younger brother of Mrs Comish, Grenaby, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes from Mr Lord, Ramsey, describing the term 'house coupling' (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Tom Lewin, Glenvine Smitihy, interviewed by Miss Hilda Cowin and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Leece, retired blacksmith, Strang, interviewd by Leslie Quirk (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Lace, The Lhen Hill, Andreas, interviewed by Ralph Howarth (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Lace, The Lhen, about fishing (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Joe Lewin, blacksmith, Marown, aged 83 years in 1938 (typescript)
- Letter from Mr Corrin, Lhagagh, Colby to Mr Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W.C. Curphey, Laa Columb Killey, 3 Vicarage Close, Ballabeg, Arbory (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Looney, the Vaaish (most northerly farm), interviewed by BRSM (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Lewthwaite, Port St Mary, aged 87 years in 1939 (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Lace, Ballagorry Veg, Maughold, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T. Leece, Kerrowmooar, Arbory, collected by Mr W. Clarke (typescript)
- Letter extract from Miss Maud Lister, Cregneash and Manchester, to Manx Museum (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Lace, Cronk y Voddy, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Lowey, Ballellan Farm, Maughold, aged 81, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Lewin, The Crossroads, The Braid, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Lowey, Kirkill, Ballakilpheric, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Logan, End house in terrace, Gordon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs E.O. Leach, Ballachree, Selborne Drive, Douglas, to Mr A.M.Cubbon, Director, Manx Museum (typescript)
- Notes about various buildings in Groudle by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr H. Leece, Derby Road, Douglas aged 71, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Walter Leece, 21 Church Street, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on The Close Mooar, Ballacowin, Lonan by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the old sheds, Old Laxey by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about a house on the Lezayre tops above Kerrow Mooar boarding Narradale by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Sketch and description of House Pairk Llewellyn, North Barrule, Maughold by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Description of Thalloo Mitchell, Maughold and the Laces of Thalloo Queen, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about lime kiln near Ballagilley on road from the Hibernian to the Mountain Road by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Note about The Lime Kilns, Scarlett by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the Loughan Farms, Jurby East by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Sketches of the Old Tuck Mill, Little London, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Sketch of the Lhen Mill dwelling house by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Callister on Kirk Michael and Bishopscourt, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Lace, Ballagorry Beg Bungalow, Glen Mona, Maughold, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- 'Methodism in Laxey - The Old Wesleyan Chapel, Lonnan', article from The Methodist Recorder (typescript)
- Sketch of farmhouse and buildings, Upper Lhergydhoo Farm, German, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Sketches of Thomas Lace's House, Dhowin, Andreas, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Story by Ambrose Maddrell of a night at the herring fishing from Port St Mary (typescript)
- Poems by Ambrose Maddrell, loaned by John Gawne, Fistard (typescript)
- 'Easter Monday Custom' from the Manx Mercury, 9 April 1793 (copied by BRSM) (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Stowell, Glen Ruy, Lonan, interviewed by BRSM (typescript)
- Notes on brick-lined well, Old Douglas (?18th century) by B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Note about cruck built houses in the Isle of Man by BRSM (typescript)
- Notes about Derbyhaven buildings by B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Caesar Callister, The Lhen Bridge, West Craig, Andreas, about the use of butter-boxes, interviewed by B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on The Eary and the period of the shieling system in the Isle of Man by BRSM (typescript)
- Notes on the Manx Gorse Mills, for an unpublished talk to the I.M.N.H.A.S. by B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward (Ned) Maddrell, Glen Chass, interviewed by P.W. Caine (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward Maddrell, Glen Chass, interviewed by E.R. Cregeen (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward Maddrell, Glen Chass, interviewed by LQ and J. Irving (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward Maddrell, Glen Chass, interviewed by Mr P.W. Caine (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward Maddrell, aged 72, interviewed by ZS (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward Maddrell, Glen Chass, interviewed by ERC and Leslie Quirk (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr E. Madrell, Glen Chass, Port St Mary, interviewed by B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Ned Maddrell, Glen Chass, aged 81? (89) years, interviewed by B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward Maddrell, Riverside, Glen Chass, Port St Mary, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Manx words and sayings in general use in the 1880s by Mr R.C. Mylecraine, 146, Northway, Maghull, Liverpool (typescript)
- Letter from R.C. Mylecraine, Liverpool, to B.R.S. Megaw Esq, Manx Museum (typescript)
- Letter from R.C. Mylecraine, to B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Notes from Mr R.C. Mylecraine, 146 Northway, Maghull, Liverpool (typescript)
- Sketch of The Ballamoar, Ballaugh, from sketches made by R.C. Mylecraine (typescript)
- Letter from Mr R.C. Mylecraine, Liverpool to Mr Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Moore, Balladrommey Beg, Maughold, interviewed by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Moore, Braddan Informary, aged 96, interviewed by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Fred Martin, Knock-y-Doonee, Andreas, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Johnny Martin, Cowell's Terrace, Ramsey, aged 95, interviewed by Miss Stevenson and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Messrs Mylrea brothers, Close yn Allen, Lezayre, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Miscellaneous notes from Sulby District, collected at Sulby Hall (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Mylroie, draper, New Road, Laxey (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Mylroie, draper, New Road, Laxey, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Mylroie, living in bungalow near the Nab, Marown, formerly of New Road, Laxey (typescript)
- Letter from Arthur Mylroie, Ballacosney, Marown, about Laxey, to Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John and Mr A. Mylroie, Ballacosney, Marown, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr A. and Mr J. Mylroie, Ballacosney, Glen Vine, Marown, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. and Mr A.E. Mylroie, Ballacosney, Marown, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr A.E. Mylroie, Ballacosney, Glen Vine (typescript)
- Copy letter from N. Nathieson, Crossways, Abbeylands, near Douglas, to Haydn Cowin, No.3 Kewaigue (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Queenie Mackneale, Greenbank, Summerland, Ramsey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Moore, Ballaglass, Maughold, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Moore, cottage on hill above Ballaglass Glen, Maughold, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Jack Moore, Post Office, Santon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr A.H. Martin, 8 Albert Terrace, Ramsey, Ramsey fisherman, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Martin, Sea View, Shore Road, Smeale, Andreas, aged about 83, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Henry Moore, Bibaloe Beg, Whitebridge Hill, Onchan, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Magee, 12 Norwood Drive, Douglas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs McGilp, Lanarkshire, on net looms, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Ramsey Moore, part of letter to Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Murray, house on corner near the Methodist Chapel, The Cooil, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Stewart Moore, Balladoole Farm, near Castletown, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Thomas Martin, St Jude's, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Eddie Moore, Peveril Hill, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the Fairy Bridge, Braddan, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R.J. Moore, Ballacurry, Santon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R.J. Moore, Ballachurry, Santon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Minorca, Laxey, Primitive Methodist Minute Book, 1869, information collated by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr H. Moore, Ballafletcher, Braddan, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about the Abbeylands smithy, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about Sulby Glen, Mylreas' old house, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R.B. Moore, Cronkbourne Road, Douglas, interviewed by Miss Z. Sayle (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss C. Moore, Moore Croft, Surby, Rushen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes by Manx Mines Research Group with information from Beckwish's mines, Glen Rushen, received by L.S. Garrard (typescript)
- Notes about Maughold lime kiln, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about Maughold stone and brick chimney, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about Kirk Maughold pinfold, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about the Kings Road, Marown and Ballaharry, Marown, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by S. Moore, interviewed by Z. Sayle (typescript)
- Notes on the Gorse Mill at the Conrhenny, Lonan, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alan McMeiken, 7 Circular Road, Peel (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Burgess, 106 Lowry Hill Road, Carlisle, about Methodism (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Norton, Cair Vie, Douglas Road, Kirk Michael, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Norton, Cair Vie, Douglas Road, Michael, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Kaighin's of Jurby by Mrs Narasimham (typescript)
- Note from presentments on the game of nine holes, by Mrs Narasimham (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Oates, The Smith, Ballasalla, about the Court Stream (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Oddy, Beggar's House at Tosaby, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Oates, West Kimmeragh, Bride, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Oates, blacksmith, Ballasalla, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Oates on the smithy, Tyson's Terrace, Ballasalla, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Henry Boyde, Ballalonney Farm, Kirk Michael, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes by C.I. Paton (typescript)
- Letter extracts from Cyril Paton to William Cubbon (typescript)
- Letter extracts from C.I. Paton (typescript)
- Notes by C.I. Paton (typescript)
- Notes by P.E. McChristie on Peel, contained in notebook by Mr C.W. Palmer (typescript)
- Valuation of the Town of Peel and Neighbourhood under the Lunatic Asylum Act, 1864, by Charles Palmer (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Fred Palmer, Guardian Office, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Charles Palmer, Guardian Office, Peel, interviewed by CEF and Fred Palmer, Peel, about the School of Navigation, interviewd by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Fred Palmer, Guardian Office, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss J. Pennington, Sea Cliff, South Gate, Laxey (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Pyke, Preson, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Parrish, Ballacowell Cottage, Agneash, Lonan, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R.K. Partington, Ramsey Road, Laxey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Sketch of house and adjoining outhouse, Portobello, Malew (typescript)
- Notes on Ballakillowey district, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the mill at Port E Chee by Margaret Killip and letter from Mrs C.I. Pitts to Larch Garrard (typescript)
- Notes by Miss Kate Qualtrough, born in Surby West (notebook no.1) (typescript)
- Notes by Miss Kate Qualtrough, including Manx proverbs (notebook no.2) (typescript)
- Notes by Mrs M. Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes by Mrs M. Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alfred Stowell, interviewd by Mrs M. Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes by Mrs M. Quilliam on placenames at head of Sulby Glen (typescript)
- Notes by Mrs M. Quilliam on The Fishermen's Ballad (typescript)
- Notes by Mrs M. Quilliam on Lace gravestone (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Stephen Quirk, Kerroodhoo, The Lag, Patrick, aged about 89, interviewed by Mrs M. Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes by Mrs M. Quilliam on Ballaquinnea Mooar, Marown (typescript)
- Notes by Mrs M. Quilliam on Mr Quayle of Narradale (typescript)
- Notes by Mrs M. Quilliam on Old Ballatrollage House, Arbory (typescript)
- Notes by Mrs M. Quilliam on visit to The Lag, Patrick (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Anne Elizabeth Ward (nee Kennish), Corony Farm, Maughold (typescript)
- Notes by Mrs M. Quilliam on the site of Christian's Tannery, Kirk Bride (typescript)
- Notes by Mrs M. Quilliam on Booilley Vane, East Baldwin (typescript)
- Notes by Mrs M. Quilliam on placenames in German (typescript)
- Notes by Mrs M. Quilliam on the Kennish Family of the Corony, Kirk Maughold (typescript)
- Notes by Mrs S. Quine on Chibbyr Runey, Marown (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Elizabeth Quilliam, St Anthony's, Alexander Drive, Douglas (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quirk, Brickfield, Peel, interviewed by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T. Quirk, interviewed by Leslie Quirk (typescript)
- Answers to nautical questionnaire (prepared by Edgar March) by Mr T.W. Quirk, Brickfield, Peel (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs T.W. Quirk, Brickfield, Peel Road, Peel, interviewed by son Leslie Quirk (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Stephen Quirk, Kerrowdhoo, interviewed by LQ (typescript)
- Notes by Jack Quilliam on tales told by my grandfather (born, Dalby, 1805), written by Jack Nelson (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Thomas Quirk, West View, Peel, interviewed by grandson, Leslie Quirk (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr H.S. Quayle, West Kella, Sulby, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Wilfred Quane, Dalby, interviewed by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on spinning by Mrs J.E. Quayle (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John James Quayle, Elm Cottage, Geln Auldyn, aged about 80, and John Quayle, 55 Waterloo Road, Ramsey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by James Quayle, Ellanbane, Lezayre, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by James Quayle, Close ny Mona, Lezayre, interviewed by ERC and Leslie Quirk (typescript)
- Notes by William Quayle of Castletown on talk given at the 75th anniversary of Ballabeg Methodist Sunday School (typescript)
- Memories of Caesar Cashin told to W.H. Quirk of Ballanyre and written by Leslie Quirk, also information from Thomas Quirk, late of Borrane and of West View, Peel (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by W.H. Quirk of Ballanayre, interviewed by LHQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Walter Quirk, Ballanayre, near Peel (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Margaret Jane (Cissie) Quayle, 13 College Green, Castletown (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Quirk, Douglas Street, Peel, interviewed by Leslie Quirk (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Quirk and Mrs Quirk, Patrick Street, Peel, interviewed by E.R. Cregeen and Leslie Quirk and Captain T.W. Quirk (typescript)
- Notes on children's rhyme by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on Mr G.E. Quayle's talk on hedges given to the N.H.A.S. (typescript)
- Notes from George Quayle, part of talk to Isle of Man Antiquarian Society visit to Ramsey about first tankers built at Ramsey (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Quayle, Glentrammon, Lezayre, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes by Mr G.E. Quayle, Lezayre from a talk given to the Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society about wildflowers (typescript)
- Letter from Mrs Elizabeth L. Quayle to Mr Megaw about stoups, including response from B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Quayle, Glentrammon, Lezayre (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr G. Quayle, Close ny Mona, Garey Road, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr G. Quayle, Close Ny Mona, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr G. Quayle, Close ny Mona, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Quayle, Close ny Mona, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Quayle, Close ny Mona, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Quayle, Close ny Mona, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Quayle, Close ny Mona, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Quayle, Close ny Mona, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Glentramman, Lezayre (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Quayle, Close ny Mona, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Quayle, Close ny Mona, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Quayle, Close ny Mona, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Quayle, Close ny Mona, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Quayle, Close ny Mona, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by W.H. Quine, including memories of Harry Kelly of Cregneash, interviewed by P.W. Caine (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quayle, Whitehouse farm, Maughold, aged about 76, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Quayle, the Clarrams, Lonan, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R.H. Quayle, manager and partner of Messrs Qualtrough and Co. Ltd, Mineral Water Manufacturers, Bridge Works, Douglas, interviewed by CEF (typescript)
- Letter extracts from Mr R.H. Quayle to Mr Megaw about Qualtrough and Co. Ltd (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Kate Qualtrough, Morea, Albany Road, Douglas, interviewed by CEF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss K. Qualtrough, Morea, Albany Road, Douglas and niece Mrs Dodd, interviewed by CEF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quiggin, Ballavarran Farm, Jurby, interviewed by FRW (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quilleash, Ballaragh, Lonan, interviewed by EF and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quilleash, Ballarragh, Lonan, aged 74, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quilleash, Ballaragh, interviewed by Mr Megaw (typescript)
- Letter from R.H. Quine about the Grey Tower, Ballasalla (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Dr R.H. Quine, Silverdale (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quane, Ballachrink, Dalby, interviewed by EF and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Ernie Quane, Ballachrink, Dalby, Patrick, interviewed by Philip Caine (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Quayle, Glen Ruy, Lonan, interviewed by MQ and Miss C. Quilliam (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Quayle, Sulby Glen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Quayle, Glen Mooar, Sulby Glen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about Slieau Managh and Ballamanagh, Lezayre, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes from Philip Quayle, Mona Street, Peel (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Vera Quirk, "Quirk's Stores", Tynwald Street, Douglas, interviewed by CEF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Quirk, Lime Street, Port St Mary, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Henry Quayle, 7 Quayle's Terrace, Ramsey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quirk, Derby House, Derby Road, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Cubbon, Rosebery Hotel, 105th Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Quine, Minorca, Laxey, manager of Laxey Industrial Cooperative Society, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Quine, King Orry, Laxey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.J. Quirk, Knockaloe Beg Cottages, Patrick, aged about 76, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Quayle, Barregarrow Cottage, Barregarrow, Kirk Michael, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Commander J.L. Quine, Baldrine Hill, near Cloven Stones, Baldrine, Lonan, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs J. Quine, Glen Grenaugh, Harbour Road, Santon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Quine, Harbour Road, Lower Santon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs G. Quine, Harbour Road, Santon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Quine, Harbour Road, Santon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edward Quine, 11 Hope Street, Douglas, aged 86, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Quine, Harbour Road, Glen Grenaugh, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Quine, Glen Grenaugh, Santon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr E. Quine, 11 Hope Street, Douglas, aged 86, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs G. Quine, Glen Grenaugh, Santon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr E. Quine, 11 Hope Street, Douglas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Quirk, Dreemlang, Starvey Road, near Cronk-y-Voddy (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Bertie Qualtrough, Millcroft, Colby Glen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Miss Quayle, Tosaby, Malew (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Walter Quayle, Cairn View, Dalby, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quine, Ballanicholas Farm, Marown, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Thomas Qualtrough, Glen Down Farm, Port St Mary, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Fred Quirk, Cooil Slieau, Greeba, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Harry Quayle, cottage at Glen Mooar, Kirk Michael, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W.F. Quirk, Corvalley, The Braid, Marown, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quirk, Corvalley, The Braaid, Marown, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Wilfred Quine, The Post Office, Port Soderick, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quine, wheelwright and joiner at St John's, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Quine, Ballakeil Croft, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Quine, Croft on Ballakeil, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quine, formerly of the Croft at Ballawhane, Andreas, now of Ballaghennie, Bride, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Account of the career of John Quirk, Lambfell, German, who emigrated to Australia in 1862 (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T. Quayle, Narradale, Lezayre, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by James Quirk, Cregneash, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quine, Ballakilley, Bride, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quaiggin, Ballavarran, Jurby, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T. Quayle, Ballacorlett, Kirk Michael, aged about 73, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about Mwyllin y Quinney, Santon by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Mable Quirk, Bradda West and Mr and Mrs Roy Gelling, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Quinn, Mona Street, Douglas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quark, Ballavoddan, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about Carn ny Geay, sometimes called Carn ny Graih, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quirk, Rheaby Mooar, Patrick, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs J. Quine, Druidale, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Quirk, Cronk y Voddy, including about Onchan smithy, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R. Quirk, Rockmount Cottage, German, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Edmund Quayle and Mrs Quayle, Rose Villa, Kirk Michael, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Clarey, Monaville, Regaby, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr H. Quayle, formerly a joiner, living near Ballaugh new church (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs M. Quilliam, about thatching (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Radcliffe, The Lhen, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Redpath, Ballaglass, interviewed by MQ and Joyce Corlett (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Redpath, Ballaglass Glen, interviewed by MQ and Miss Hilda Cowin (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Redpath, Ballaglass Glen, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Copy letter from Annie Radcliffe, Thorn Garth, Beaumont Road, Ramsey to Mr Cubbon (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Annie Radcliffe, Ramsey, about Peel, taken from Eric Cregeen's notebook (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Annie Radcliffe, Ohio Cottage, Andreas, now living with Miss Sayle, Keeilltushtag, Bride, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Richmond, Gladstone Avenue, Ramsey, about Ramsey in 1846 (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Rimmer, Port St Mary, police officer, about bee-keeping, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Article from 'Manx Journal of Agriculture' by Mr J.M. Piggott, Cross Four Ways, Malew, on bee-keeping (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Ramsay, Andreas (typescript)
- Letter from Major Keith Groves, Thie Varrey, Maughold, to Mr Megaw (typescript)
- Letter extracts from Mr W. Robinson, The Beeches, Blitterlees, Silloth, Cumberland, to B.R.S. Megaw about Manx trade with Maryport (typescript)
- Notes by Isalen D. Bonnor, grand-daughter of E.M. Gawne, Speaker of the House of Keys, including memories of Kentraugh (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Robinson, Glen Mona, Maughold, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Robinson, Glen Mona, Maughold, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Willie Robinson, Thalloo Queen Cottage, Maughold, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. Robinson, Glen Mona, Maughold, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. Robinson, near Glen Mona, Maughold, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. Robinson, including on the churchyard field on the Barony, Maughold, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. Radcliffe, Close e Cleator, Andreas (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Roberts, Moore's Mill, St John's, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Radcliffe, Dreem Froy, St Mark's, Maley, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Callister Radcliffe, Dreemfroy, St Mark's, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr C. Radcliffe, Knockfroy, St Mark's, Malew, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Regaby Methodist Chapel, Andreas and Miss Redpath's House by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W.N. Radcliffe, Ivy Villa, Ballanard Road, Douglas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Callow and Mr J. Radcliffe, Black Hill, Malew, including about Ballachrink, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the Old Castletown Reservoir by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. Curphey of Rowsley, Richmond Road, Ramsey, interviewed by Sillah Sayle (typescript)
- Notes by Mr J.W. Radcliffe, Maughold, on the will of John Cleator senior, of Andreas 1769 (typescript)
- Letter from Mr T.C. Southward, 34 Slacks Road, Palmerston North, New Zealand, to Margaret Killip, Manx Museum, about the Sulby Weslyan Chapel (typescript)
- Letter from Mr T.C. Southward, 34 Slacks Road, Palmerston North, New Zealand, to Secretary, Manx Museum, about information sent about the Sulby area (typescript)
- Letter from Mr T.C. Southward, 34 Slacks Road, Palmerston North, New Zealand, to Margaret Killip, about Sulby (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T.C. Southward, 34 Slacks Road, Palmerston North, New Zealand, about Sulby (typescript)
- Letter from Mr T.C. Southward, 34 Slacks Road, Palmerston North, New Zealand, to Margaret Killip, about the Wesleyan Chapel at Sulby (typescript)
- Letter from Mr T.C. Southward, 34 Slacks Road, Palmerston North, New Zealand, to Margaret Killip, about Manx shirting (typescript)
- Letter from Mr T.C. Southward, 34 Slacks Road, Palmerston North, New Zealand, to Margaret Killip, about Sulby Tuck Mill (typescript)
- Letter from Mr T.C. Southward, 34 Slacks Road, Palmerston North, New Zealand, to Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Letter from Mr T.C. Southward, 34 Slacks Road, Palmerston North, New Zealand, to Margaret Killip, about Sulby Mill (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by T.W. Stowell, Glen Roy, from E.R. Cregeen's notebook (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Stowell, Glen Ruy, Laxey, interviewed by Leslie Quirk and Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Stowell, Glen Ruy, Laxey, interviewed by Margaret Killip and Leslie Quirk (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T.W. Stowell, Glen Ruy (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Stowell, Riversdale, Glen Ruy (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Stowell, Glen Ruy, Lonan, interviewed by Miss Callister and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T.W. Stowell, Glenroy, collected by B.R.S. Megaw, about field names in Lonan (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T.W. Stowell, Glenroy, interviewed by B.R.S. Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr C.A. Crellin, schoolmaster, The Level, Colby, from Arbory school children's information (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Sloan, Grenaby (typescript)
- Diagrams by Mr R.R. Scarffe, Rock Mount, Laxey, of the Man Hoist Engine, Laxey Mines, c.1881 (typescript)
- Description by Mr R.R. Scarffe, Rock Mount, Laxey, of the Man Engine in Laxey Mines c.1881 (typescript)
- Description by Mr R.R. Scarffe, Rock Mount, King Orry, Laxey, aged about 72, of Laxey Mines (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr R.R. Scarffe, Rock Mount, King Orry, Laxey, aged about 72, about Laxey Mines, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Leighton Stowell, about Douglas Quay and market, collected by ERC (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alfred Sayle, Pinpound Cottage, Bride, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Skinner, St Mark's School, Marown, interviewed by Mrs. F. and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on pewter and ancient lights, collected by Mrs C.E. Flanagan (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs J. Stowell, 6 Hilary Road, Douglas, aged 85, interviewed by CEF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs J. Stowell, 6 Hilary Road, Douglas, interviewed by CEF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs J. Stowell, 6 Hilary Road, Douglas, interviewed by CEF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs J. Stowell, 6 Hilary Road, Douglas, interviewed by CEF (typescript)
- Notes by M. Stevenson on birds in folklore (typescript)
- Notes on the right of way past Billown House, told to Z. Sayle (typescript)
- Notes on Qualtrough's Timber Yard, Castletown by ZS (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Emma Cameron, 40 The Crofts, Castletown, interviewed by Miss Zilla Sayle, Secretary, Manx Museum (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Jessie Stowell, 21 Woodbourne Square, Douglas, aged 87, interviewed by CEF (typescript)
- Letter extract from Richard Shimmin, Liverpool, to his sister Mrs Mona Breadner of Union Mills (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Shimmin, Ballacowin, Glen Ruy, interviewed by EF and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Jessie Stowell, 21 Woodbourne Square, Douglas, aged 87, interviewed by CEF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Smith, Stanley Mount, Peel, aged 79, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Smith, Stanley Mount, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Charles Skinner, The Crammon, Cranstal Shore, Bride, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Florence Skinner, Lough House, Bride, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Diagrams by R.E. Skelton used in lecture 'Manx Mines' on 9 November 1951 (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Ben Stowell, near Baldhoon Chapel, Baldhoon Road, Laxey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Southward, Ballasaig, Maughold, aged 84, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Sayle, Rhenwee Croft, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Senogles, West View, Foxdale, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Scarffe, The Strang, Braddan, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by John Scarffe, The Strang, Braddan, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Scarffe, The Strang, Braddan, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Tholt e Will Farm, Sulby Glen, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Speke old farmhouse and buildings, information from the Faraghers, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Shimmin, Balladoyne, St John's, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Shimmin, Balladoyne, St John's, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr H. Stowell, Riverside, Glen Roy, Lonan, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Simpson, Ballagale, Surby, interveiwed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alfred Shimmin, The Bunghey, Foxdale, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Jack Shimmin, Athol Street, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Copy letter from Mr J.R. Bruce, to the Director of the Manx Museum (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Leighton Stowell, Victoria Road, Castletown, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Leighton Stowell, Castletown, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Leighton Stowell, Castletown, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Sayle, Lezayre Road, Ramsey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Sayle, formerly of Ballawhane, Andreas, aged 72, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Miscellaneous notes, predominently about churches and chapels by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Horse Mill at Nunnery, Howe, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the clay-walled house known as Shepherd's house, East end of the the St Jude's Loop Road, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes by W.J. Scatcherd about Quiggin and Co. Rope Works (typescript)
- Notes by Miss Z. Sayle, including about Tom Taggart, fiddler (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. Curphey of Towsley, Richmond Road, Ramsey, copied by Z. Sayle (typescript)
- Notes on the Cluggind, Sulby Glen, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the Cluggid, Sulby Glen, butts or lazy beds, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes and sketch of smithy at Knocksharry, smithy and William Quane's joiner's shop and house, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Lola Kinvig, Garey Hollin, Ronague, including purpose of stone structures in Ballamoar Garden, Earystane, collected by Miss Z. Sayle (typescript)
- Notes on small ruined building in Sulby Glen, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Faragher of St John's one of the chapel's officials on St John's Wesleyan chapel, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Quine, Sulbrick, Santon, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T.P. Simpson, Ballameanagh, Jurby, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. Moore, Begoade Farm, about a spring cart (typescript)
- Notes on the Bwoaille Glass deserted farm above the slate quarry in Sulby Glen, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Kelly, Sulby Glen, worked for the Water Board, lives in house near the works in Sulby Glen, aged between 60 and 70, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Fred Stowell, gardener at Balladoole house for Sir R. Stevenson, lives in the lodge at Balladoole, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by J.W. Teare, Gollane, Sandygate, Jurby (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by J.W. Teare, Sandygate (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J.W. Teare, Gollane House, Sandygate, Jurby (typescript)
- Copies of handwritten sermons by William Teare, The Gollane, Sandygate, Jurby (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Robert Turnbull, Crogga, Santon, interviewed by BRSM (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Teare and Miss Betty Teare, Ballaquirk, Bride, interviewed by MQ and CQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Teare, Ballaquirk, Bride, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Copy letter from William Alfred Teare, 'Pete' of the Colby Pump, 5150 Forth St North, St Petersburg, USA, to curator of Manx Museum (typescript)
- Letter from William Alfred Teare, 'Pete of St Pete', 5150 Forth St North, St Petersburg, USA, to B.R.S. Megaw, Esq. (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Teare, Ballaugh Smith, Ballaugh, interviewed by Miss Gwen Callister and MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr A.W. Teare, Peel, interviewed by CEF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr A.W. Teare, Albany Road Peel, interviewed by CEF (typescript)
- Letter from Mrs Ella Taylor, Field Beck, Cartmel, Grange-over-Sands, to Mr Megaw regarding 'Manx Memories of the Kermode Family' (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Taggart, Delaraine, Westmorland Road, Douglas of the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company, regarding the building of the Tower of Refuge in 1832 (typescript)
- Letter from Paul Taggart of USA, to Miss E. Kneale, Ballagarrett, Bride (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr E.M. Teare, Mylvooirey, Peel, interviewed by CEF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Herbert Teare, Ballaugh Glen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Herbert Teare, Ballaugh Glen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on the old farms at The Port, Ballaugh, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs I. Turnbull, Malew Street, Casltetown, aged 81, interviewed by Z.M. Sayle (typescript)
- Notes on field names by A.M. Cubbon from William Teare, Thalloo Quay, Glen Rushen, Patrick (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Teare,The Shop, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Teare, Ballacallum, The Lhen, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Teare, Ballathona, The Lhen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Teare, Ballacallum, The Lhen, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Teare, Ballacallum, The Lhen, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George and Raymond Teare, Colooneys, The Cooil, Braddan, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs John Teare, Ballaneddan, Ballaugh, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Teare, 30 Patrick Street, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W.E. Teare, 5 Grafton Street, Douglas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Teare, Andreas village, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Albert Taylor, 15 Lezayre Road, Ramsey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by the Misses Taylor, Crofton, Baldhoon, Laxey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Taggart, Ballawoods, Malew, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Taubman, Ballaquinney Beg, Marown, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Teare, Ellerslie Road, Marown, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by James Teare, blacksmith, Cross Four Ways, Malew, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Sheila Teare, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. Teare, Ballachurry, Jurby, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. Thompson, formerly of the Post Office, Glen Maye, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Teare, Ballaneddin, Ballaugh, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Wilfred Todd, Glen Road, Laxey, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Teare, sailmaker, Peel, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr F. Teare, sailmaker, ships' chandlers shop, near St Peter's Lane, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Teare, sailmaker, The Quay, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Copy letter from A.L. Roberts, to William Cubbon, Manx Museum on Chibbyr Unjin, Malew (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Vondy, Ramsey, aged 76, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Charles Vondy, Regaby, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Letter extracts from Miss Alice Watterson, 4 Nunnery Road, Braddan, to MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Alice Watterson, 4 Nunnery Road, Braddan, on photographs brought to the Manx Museum (typescript)
- Letter from Miss Alice Watterson, 4 Nunnery Road, Braddan, to Manx Museum (typescript)
- Copy letter from Miss Alice A. Watterson, Nunnery Road, Douglas, to Miss Sayle (typescript)
- Notes by Charles Watterson, Castletown, from a talk given at Manx Museum on Old Christmas Night (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Charles Watterson, Castletown, about The White Boys taken from the last living person who played in this play (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alexander Woosey, 174 Stanley Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Watterson, Grenaby Schoolhouse (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Watterson, Poortown aged 80, interviewed by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Watterson, Ballagilbert Cottage, opposite Kerrowkeeill Chapel, from Eric Cregeen's notebook (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Wade, niece of Mr W. Wade, dentist, interviewed by Mr Megaw (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Willyn, 5 Royal Avenue, Onchan, about the Liverpool Manx Society (typescript)
- Letter from Mrs Ella Taylor, Field Beck, Cartmel, Grange-over-Sands, to Miss P. Wood (typescript)
- Letter from Phyllis D. Wood, to Mr Megaw, about Hills Houses, Hills Estate, Peel Road, Douglas (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss P.D. Wood, Kirk Conchan (notebook no.1 extracts) (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss P.D. Wood, Onchan (notebook no.2 extracts) (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss P.D. Wood, Kirk Conchan (notebook no.3) (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Annie Whittaker, Ballaslig, Andrea, aged about 65 (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Miss Wade, the Rhendhoo, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Watterson, Malew Street, Castletown, also of Scarlett Farm, Malew, interviewed by MQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Caesar Watterson, Ballagawne, Colby, interviewed by MQ and CEF (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Watterson, interviewed by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Watterson, interviewed by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Watterson, Colby, interviewed by LQ (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Joe Watterson, aged 70, interviewed by B.R.S. Megaw and Z. Sayle (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Joe Watterson, Cregneash, aged 80, interviewed by Z. Sayle (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Martin Woods, Arnside, Athol Street, Port St Mary, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by William Watterson of The Quay, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Peter Wilmot, 54 or 56 Patrick Street, Peel, interviewed by Mr W. Clarke (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Watterson at the Cross Road, Ballamodha, Malew, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Thomas Watterson, aged 82, The Howe, Port St Mary, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Whittaker, Ballaslig, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Walton, Wooden Bungalow, near Old Marown Church, aged 75, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr White, Ballagawne Crossing, Garwick, Baldrine, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr W. White, Ballagawne, Baldrine, Lonan, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Whittam, Braaid Cottage, The Braaid, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr and Mrs Watterson, Hillside, Ballamoddha Crossroads, Malew (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Watt, Corkill and Kinrade monumental masons, St George's, Douglas, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on Dan Wonnal's House on Ballaquane, Andreas, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by George Wilson, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Athol Wilson, about Rushen place names in Kneen's 'Manx Place Names', interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Watterson, Michael Road, near Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Wade, Smeale Corner, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about Patrick Watterson, Ballakirka, Patrick, from Episcopal Will, 1839, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes about The Old North Star Inn, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Athol Wilson, about fishing boats and gear (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Athol Wilson, Port St Mary and Merk's Gut (typescript)
- Appendix page 536, George III references to payment of duties for herrings and permission to export herrings to British Colonies 1772 (typescript)
- Notes by Athol Wilson on J. Edgar March, Sailing Drifters xi. 1978, numbers and names of Port St Mary Fishing Fleet 1868 onwards (typescript)
- Notes by Athol Wilson on flue construction of houses in Albany Street, Douglas (typescript)
- Extracts from Wesleyan Manx Conference Book of Minutes, commencing 25 March 1780 (typescript)
- Extracts from Manx Conference Book of Minutes, 23 June 1812-1838 (typescript)
- Notes on farm buildings, Malew, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on farm buildings, Arbory, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on farm buildings, Greyney Mooar, Arbory, by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- 'Glen Needle' (article)
- Notes on information contributed by James Cojeen, Ballig Farm, Clay Head, Baldrine collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Illustrated description by Margaret Killip of cottages in Ballaugh Curraghs, one of which was inhabited by blacksmith John Kneen in the last years of his life (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alfred Christian, White Lodge, Sulby Glen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alfred (Alfie) Christian, White Lodge, Sulby Glen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Alfred Christian, Sulby Glen, interviewed by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Callister of Seafield Cottage, Santon, collected by Margaret Killip (typescript)
- Contributors' files to the Manx Folk-Life Survey Archive
- Notes on the old farms at The Port, Ballaugh, by Margaret Killip
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Cormode, the Curragh Beg, collected by Margaret Killip
- Notes on information contributed by George Teare, Ballacallum, The Lhen, Andreas, interviewed by Margaret Killip
- Notes on information contributed by Mrs Callister, Maughold, collected by Margaret Killip
- Notes on Speke old farmhouse and buildings, information from the Faraghers, collected by Margaret Killip
- Notes on information contributed by Mr T.W. Stowell, Glen Ruy
- Notes on information contributed by Mr Teare, sailmaker, The Quay, Peel, interviewed by Margaret Killip
- Notes on information contributed by Mr J. Shimmin, Balladoyne, St John's, interviewed by Margaret Killip
Show all (1366)
Are these images available? - Edwin Williams Report this
very interesting - Helen Gilmour Miller Report this
Currently, due to Lockdown, our libary and archives are closed. If you would like information about specific items or to arrange a visit once Lockdown is over, please email - Emma, Digital Collections Assistant Report this
Sounds like a great resource but not helpful unless it is digitised and available online. - David Janes Report this