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Shimmin's traction engine towing at Sky Hill, Ramsey

Date(s): 19 July 1917

Creator(s): Southward, Francis

Scope & Content: This Clayton and Shuttleworth engine was owned by R.G. Shimmin of Onchan and was new in 1916. Shimmin purchased it from a Liverpool firm named Remer. It is being used to bring timber cut for mining props from Sky Hill plantation. The man pictured is Mr Shimmin's foreman, Daniel Pitts (Danny Pitts) who had been a lead miner at Foxdale and had also worked at the Ballanard Brickworks. He was around 80 when he finally retired.

Language: eng

Extent: 8 x 10.5 cm

Physical description: glass plate negative

Item name: glass plate negative

Collection: Photographic Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: PG/7850/072


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