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Letter from Governor Patrick Lindesay, Castletown to James Murray, 2nd Duke of Atholl; with accompanying papers

Date(s): 7 Mar-9 Mar 1746/7

Creator(s): Lindesay, Patrick; Mylrea, Daniel

Scope & Content: A Manuscript letter from Governor Lindesay, which provides details on the proceedings between the House of Keys and the Deemsters to discuss and provide answers to several queries issued by the Duke of Atholl, in connection to the entailing of land on the island and the legal case between Colcote and Stephenson [Stevenson], which was held on 7 March; accompanying the letter is, firstly, a bundle of four documents that contain an extract from a letter by the Duke, queries by a Mr Ford and a Mr Askin, and a copy of an order from Lindesay to the Deemsters and Keys to meet in order to examine the queries; and secondly, a document, signed by Deemster Daniel Mylrea [the Elder], which details the answers to these queries by the Deemsters and Keys.

Part of a numbered series of letters from Lindesay to the Duke; No. 31.

Language: English

Extent: 12 pages (6 sheet)

Item name: Letter

Collection: Manuscript Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: MS 09707/2/176

Retrieval number: AP X25-7; AP X25-8; AP X25-10

Record class: Private

Access conditions: No regulations or restrictions are implemented on this material.


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