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Letter from Alexander Ross, Gray's Inn, London to James Murray, 2nd Duke of Atholl

Date(s): 16 Jul 1747

Creator(s): Ross, Alexander

Scope & Content: A manuscript letter from the Duke of Atholl's London-based solicitor, Alexander Ross, informing him that he has sent copies of five Acts of Parliament in three different posts; he then states that he previously sent the Duke two petitions from Mr Baillie, on behalf of his clients [see MS 09707/2/189], for his approval, but as they have not been returned to him, he assumes His Grace does not approve.

Language: English

Extent: 1 page (1 sheet)

Item name: Letter

Collection: Manuscript Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: MS 09707/2/192

Retrieval number: AP X25-31

Record class: Private

Access conditions: No regulations or restrictions are implemented on this material.


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