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A bundle of documents relating to a dispute between John Stevenson and Governor Basil Cochrane

Date(s): c Mar 1759

Creator(s): Quayle, John

Scope & Content: A bundle of manuscript copies of documents relating to the dispute between the advocate, John Stevenson, and Governor Cochrane, which arose after Cochrane fined and imprisoned Stevenson for insolent behaviour towards him at the Chancery Court; documents present include: an extract from the 'Liber Scaccar,' original dated 10 March, with the sentence of John Stevenson; an extract from the 'Liber Scaccar' with the petition of appeal and complaint of John Stevenson of Castletown; the declaration of John Quayle [the Younger; Comptroller] and John Taubman 'touching the discourse and transactions between' Basil Cochrane and John Stevenson; the petition of John Cain of Kirk Patrick [the source that instigated the dispute]; and the petition of doleance and complaint of John Stevenson to the Duke of Atholl.

Language: English

Extent: 19 pages (8 sheets)

Item name: Documents

Collection: Manuscript Archive

Level: ITEM

ID number: MS 09707/2/619

Retrieval number: AP X8 (1st)-12; AP X8 (1st)-13; AP X8 (1st)-14

Record class: Private

Access conditions: No regulations of restrictions are implemented on this material.


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