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Selected material from a compilation of notes made by Edward Faragher (Neddy Hom Ruy) c.1831-1908 preserved in the Manx Museum

Publication date : 1950

Author or editor: Faragher, Edward 'Ned Beg Hom Ruy'; Gell, John; Megaw, Basil Richardson Stanley

Notes: Brief biographical note on Edward Faragher by Basil Megaw, Manx text and accompanying translation by Juan Y Gell of Puirte Muire, IOM.
1. [no Manx title: A night fishing with a drunken crew; 2. Thie Yn "Woy Wooar": The Home of the "Big Boy"; 3. Yn "Pearl" Mooar, As Marroo Yn Chenn Ghuilley: The Great Pearl and the killing of the "Old Boy"; 4. Yn Scaa 'Sy Ruillick: The Ghost of the Churchyard; 5. Thom Gordon As Ny Mooinjer-Veggey: Tom Gordon and the Little People; 6.Oalys Son Ny Beishtyn; A Charm for the Toothache.
In Bealoideas Vol. XVIII No's 1-2 pp. 45-59.

Language: Manx

Physical description: 15 p.; 23 cm.; pbk.

Item name: article in journal

Collection: Library

ID number: M 09546

Classification: H.140/K/FAR

Subject tags : #GAELG


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