Christian Tradition in Mannin
Publication date : 1965
Author or editor: Douglas, Constance Mona
Notes: Black & white photographs: Near Lag-ny-Keeilley; crucifix from the Calf of Man; Kirk Maughold where the first Manx school was founded; Bronhui's stone in Maughold Churchyard; Peaceful corner of the Abbey Lands; Keill Chapel of the ancint Celtic Church [Maughold]; Gaut's Cross at Kirk Michael; Bishop Symon's Seal; Celtic Reliquary of Dachonna's Shrine; The well at Struan-y-Wurra.
Sketches: St Germain's Cathedral Restoration suggested interior; King Orry's Tower, the first Bishop's Palace in Mann [Daniel King sketch]; Old picture of Rushen Abbey [D. King].
Language: English
Physical description: 88 p. : ill.; 22 cm.; pbk.
Item name: book
Collection: Library
ID number: M 10864
Classification: F.22/DOU
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