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Our heritage [book four]

Publication date : 1987

Author or editor: Rodgers, Kate

Notes: In bound volume, Our Heritage : Rushen : Books 1-4. Still more memories of the past in Rushen. Photographs: Mr and Mrs Matt (Matheson) ; One of the groups attending Dublin House ; Under the old banner ; Port St Mary foreshore ; Robin Hood in 1930s by 1st Rushen Girl Guides ; Alldritt's Kipper House ; Port Erin Beach ; Alfred Moore and staff ; Mount Tabor Methodist Church with model yachts and bunting during a service in the 1930s.

Stored in F.75 books box.

Language: eng

Physical description: 59 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. ; hbk.

Item name: Pamphlet

Collection: Library

ID number: M 14122

Classification: F.75/15(4)


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