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Nine Photographs of Douglas

Publication date : 1885

Notes: Publisher: Pumphrey & Day, Bookseller Johnson
contains: 1567 Douglas General View [across the harbour]; 1569 Douglas The Quay; 1517 Derby Castle; 1507 Kirk Braddan; 1530 Laxey Wheel; 1512 Tower of Refuge; 1542 Ballure Glen; 1586 The Pier, Peel; 1587 Peel Castle & St German's Cathedral.

The image is a view of what is now the Terminus Tavern but for many years was the Strathallan Hotel. Like the Derby Castle it was built for Major Pollock and it is here that he lived in what he called Strathallan Lodge. It is a typical 1830s Victorian Gothic building with decorative barge boards and angled chimneys without pots. In 1896 the tram company obtained a licence for it and so The Strathallan Hotel was born. This view comes from an album entitled Nine Views of Douglas published by Johnson, the printer and bookseller, of 12 Prospect Hill, Douglas.

Language: eng

Physical description: : 177 x 217 mm

Item name: Photograph Album

Collection: Library

ID number: M 01488

Classification: B.008S


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