A Health to all who cross the Main [song expressly written for the Manx Home-coming celebration June 1927
Publication date : 20th century
Author or editor: unknown maker
Notes: Poem & Chorus. The author a Manxman returning to his homeland, the Isle of Man, after spending the greater part of his life on the staff of the University of Philadelphia, USA. Music by Haydn Wood, b.1882 d. 1959 born in Yorkshire, coming to the Isle of Man at age of two well known musican and composor. First line 'O souls of the departed Be near, and bless our Isle'. In Poetry Scrapbook conserved November 2008.
Language: English
Physical description: 1p.; 21 cm.; single sheet
Item name: pamphlet
Collection: Library
ID number: M 32789/95
Classification: J.8/1xf(p.102)