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View of back of Peel Promenade hotels with Peel Castle and breakwater over roof tops

Date made: 1940

Description: View of back of Peel Promenade hotels with tall annexes, green hill behind, Peel Castle and breakwater over roof tops. Signed 'HK 4.ix.40'. Barbed wire fencing along left-hand side.

Herbert Kaden (1921-1922) was born in Dresden in Germany. His family were originally Jewish but had converted to Christianity. In 1938, Herbert and his mother came to Britain to escape growing Jewish persecution. He initially intended to be an architect but his studies were interrupted in 1940 when he was interned and sent to the Peveril Camp. He was released within a few weeks to work on a family friend's farm. He later went onto become a Catholic monk.

Herbert Kaspar Gerd Kaden appears in the HO396 series of records. He was recorded in 1939 as an architecture student at the R.W.A.School of Architecture in Bristol. He was then considered exempt from internment. He was arrested by Gloucestershire Police in June 1940 but released 11.9.1940.

Measurements: overall: 25.4 cm x 35.5 cm

Materials: watercolour

Object name: painting

Collection: Art Collection

ID number: 1993-0235/1



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