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The Babes in the Wood

Date made: 1942

Artist: Miller, Harold 'Dusty'

Description: Satirical cartoon drawn for Isle of Man Times newspaper. Shows members of House of Keys as schoolboys.

This cartoon was published on 7 March 1942. The 'Headmaster' represents Bertram Sergeaunt, the Government secretary, who does not trust the 'boys' of the House of Keys. This refers to a controversy that week surrounding the Industrial Division set up by the Government Office. Specifically, the Government Office under Sergeaunt had sent an 'intrusive' questionnaire to businesses asking how many employees etc they had. The controversy led to questions in the Keys about who was running the Island and in what fashion.

N.B. two of the schoolboys in this cartoon are clearly caricatures of individuals who would have been recognisable to the readership.

Materials: ink, paper

Object name: cartoon

Collection: Art Collection

ID number: 2005-0069/33


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