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Date made: 5 July 1815

Description: On the sketch is written: "Sketch of the town, castle and bay of Peel, Contrary Head, Isle of Man. Taken from Balla Booie 3 1/2 miles on the coast road from that town to the Village of Kirk Michael. Will Latham, 5 July 1815."

Sketch by Captain William Latham of Liverpool. In July 1815 Captain William Latham made a tour of the Isle of Man with Mr William Gerard Walmesley Esq of Liverpool, Mr James Leigh of Liverpool and Mr Ralph Greenough of Wigan. Latham made many sketches of the Island during his visit.


Measurements: overall: 26cm x 35cm

Materials: paper : pen & ink

Object name: drawing

Collection: Art Collection

ID number: 1954-7430


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