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Ned Maddrell

Epithet: Merchant sailor

Record type: First World War Biographies

Biography: Edward 'Ned' Maddrell from Glen Chass was before the First World War a merchant mariner, having worked for the Isle of Man Steam Packet among other companies. Upon the outbreak of war he continued his occupation, but it was now to become one of the most dangerous. To prowling German submarines (U-boats), British merchant ships were fair game, and although at first they would often allow crews to escape in a lifeboat before sinking them, later in the war such niceties were abandoned. Maddrell survived the war; a fluent Manx speaker, he would later contribute to the Manx Museum Folk Life Survey. (Image ref: PG/8350/3).

Gender: Male


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Re Photos of Edward Maddrell last known native Manx speaker the same gentleman as Ned Maddrell Merchant Sailor (Record type First World War Biographies) - Irene Mawson Report this

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