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E.A. Sayle

Epithet: First World War soldier

Record type: First World War Biographies

Town / Village residence: Douglas

Biography: First World War Soldier. 'No. 22436. Private. R.N.Div.? (Royal Navy Division). Nov. 1916 Crystal Palace London. Oct. 1917 No.7 Mess Ocean View Westgate on Sea. Nov. 1918 No details. 211 Squad. (Squadron) 22 Wing R.A.F (Royal Air Force) B.E.F. (British Expeditionary Force).' (Extract from handwritten notes by The Reverend Robert Daniel Kermode, Vicar of St George's Church, Douglas, about men from his parish serving in the First World War. MS 10003/13)

External sources: 9 Hope Street; 11 Demesne Road


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