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George Robertson

Record type: Motorsport Biographies

Biography: Age 32. George Robertson, who comes from Luton, is engaged in textile technical service with a chemical company. He describes his racing experience up to date as all "middle of the pack" stuff at Aintree, Brands Hatch, Oulton Park and Thruxton. George has lived in Glasgow most of his life—until coining to I work in Luton four years ago—and was at the same school in Stirlingshire as Alastair King; he also ''mechanised" for Phil Read in 1959. His machine is a 1956 Gold Star which he purchased from Ken Ager. Hobbies: "Mainly musical - I try to play the clarinet, guitar and piano."
(TT Special, 7 September 1961, p.12).

Name Variant: George *Robertson

Competed in

1961 Senior MGPRBSA


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