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South West - the Calf in the Distance

Date made: 30 September 1863

Artist: Wellbye, Henry Read

Description: "The [Calf of Man] is about five miles in circumference, and is environed by gloomy caverns and stupendous precipices…through the whole of this solitary spot there is no human vestige, except a mouldering shepherd’s cot." (Nathaniel Jefferys, A Descriptive and Historical Account of the Isle of Man, 1809, M 00904)

A watercolour which is part of an album by Henry Read Wellbye, donors father, who is thought to have been on holiday on the Isle of Man in 1863 before his marriage.


Measurements: 14cm x 23cm

Materials: watercolour on paper

Object name: watercolour

Collection: Art Collection

ID number: 1956-0381/4


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