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Douglas Market Place, Douglas

Date made: c.1895

Artist: Quayle, Edward Christian

Description: This watercolour by Edward Christian Quayle shows a busy scene in Douglas market place, around 1895. The work can be dated quite closely as it shows Old St Matthews church, demolished in 1895, and Quayle also exhibited a work entitled Douglas Market Place that same year.

Many of the stalls appear to be laden with baskets of rhubarb, traditionally sold at Douglas market in May and June. The market was traditionally the place where farmers or their wives would bring produce grown in the countryside into the town for sale to the boarding house keepers and hoteliers catering for the visitors to Douglas, the Island's main resort.

Measurements: artwork: 44 cm x 61 cm

Materials: watercolour on paper

Object name: watercolour painting

Collection: Art Collection

ID number: 1954-5678

Subject tags : Isle of Man


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