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Card money from James Moore's linen manufactory

Date made: early 19th century

Description: This is an example of card money, issued by James Moore's linen manufactury around 1816. Due to the great shortage of small change in the early years of the 19th century, many traders began to issue their own 'money' printed on card. The practice was curtailed in 1817, due to the ease with which forgeries were being produced.

This card has the value (two shillings and sixpence) and the old spelling 'Douglass' (derived from the confluence of the rivers Dhoo and Glass).

The first Moore sailcloth works was started in Duke Street, Douglas in 1790, by brothers James and Edward Moore with their father. After his death the brothers disolved their partnership and James started his own business in Factory Lane (later Wellington Street). James Moore's linen works later moved to Tromode, and the site eventually became home to Clucas's Laundry.

Materials: card

Object name: money

Collection: Social History Collection

ID Number: 1954-3157


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